HOWTO: Debug shortcodes displaying “No currencies are currently enabled.” message
You’ve installed the plugin and a coin adapter, and the shortcodes show the message “No currencies are currently enabled”. Here’s how to debug this.
You’ve installed the plugin and a coin adapter, and the shortcodes show the message “No currencies are currently enabled”. Here’s how to debug this.
You have configured the built-in Bitcoin core coin adapter, or a full-node coin adapter with the Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets plugin. Deposits do not get credited to user balances. Here’s how to debug:
Continue reading the "HOWTO: Debug an incoming deposit (full node wallet)" »
Multitude of improvements in the latest near-stable version of the Exchange Extension. Overview of current project status and some info for programmatic JSON API access.
Continue reading the "Static HTML templates and API key access improvements in Exchange extension" »
You can now access the Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets JSON API with key-based authentication.
Improve plugin performance with this one simple hack!
Continue reading the "?️ Tweaking cron jobs for better scalability and performance" »
Here’s what’s new with version 3.7.0 of the Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets free WordPress plugin.
Continue reading the "Release notes for version 3.7.0 of Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets" »