HOWTO: Debug shortcodes displaying “No currencies are currently enabled.” message
You’ve installed the plugin and a coin adapter, and the shortcodes show the message “No currencies are currently enabled”. Here’s how to debug this.
You’ve installed the plugin and a coin adapter, and the shortcodes show the message “No currencies are currently enabled”. Here’s how to debug this.
You’ve installed the CoinPayments adapter, but now deposits don’t work. Here’s how to debug:
Continue reading the "HOWTO: Debug an incoming deposit (CoinPayments adapter)" »
⚠ NOTICE: These installation instructions are for installing Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets versions before 6.0.0 with CoinPayments Adapter extension versions before 2.0.0. Since 6.0.0, installation instructions are found in the built-in documentation. In your WordPress admin screens, navigate to: Wallets…
Continue reading the "Install with CoinPayments (3rd party wallet)" »
How to setup a bittiraha Bitcoin wallet on your Linux server, and how to connect to the wallet with the Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets WordPress plugin.
⚠ NOTICE: These installation instructions are for Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets versions before 6.0.0. Since 6.0.0, installation instructions are found in the built-in documentation. In your WordPress admin screens, navigate to: Wallets Admin Docs → wallets → Installation instructions →…
Continue reading the "Install with Bitcoin core (full node wallet)" »