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  • in reply to: receive address not displayed #3994


    Im getting

    Full Texts Field Type Null Key Default Extra
    Edit Delete id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment
    Edit Delete blog_id bigint(20) NO 1
    Edit Delete account bigint(20) unsigned NO MUL NULL
    Edit Delete symbol varchar(8) NO NULL
    Edit Delete address varchar(255) NO MUL NULL
    Edit Delete extra varchar(255) NO
    Edit Delete created_time datetime NO NULL
    Edit Delete status enum(‘old’,’current’) NO NULL

    Perhaps my URIs are off?

    walletnotify=curl -s http://www.scoobycoin.com/wallets/api2/notify/SCOOBY/wallet/%s >/dev/null
    blocknotify=curl -s http://www.scoobycoin.com/wallets/api2/notify/SCOOBY/block/%s >/dev/null

    As there isn’t a folder called wallets in the main directory? Where else would the api2 directory be located with a default installation?

    Also I am not sure how to enable wordpress debugging.


    in reply to: receive address not displayed #3936

    I am still having difficulty with getting it to load.


    Anything else it could be?


    in reply to: receive address not displayed #3453

    Yes, I really need this fixed in the next upgrade.

    I will have no choice but to wait.  As it does not make sense to change the ticker on the main site for this coin.

    The ticker should be SCOOBY.

    Although I am a paying subscription member, I am willing to give you some scoobycoins for this upgrade.


    in reply to: receive address not displayed #3374

    Hi there,

    1) no error being reported

    2) it responds with “function”

    3) still no errors

    4)yes, this was installed via the upload plugins page.

    5) please check out the test page with all of the wallet links in it.


    I am having difficulty attaching a screenshot or replying to the email.


    in reply to: receive address not displayed #3313

    Yes, I did install it that way.

    I renamed my plugin directory and started over.

    But I am still getting the same result without any error.

    It generates a bar code but no address.

    in reply to: receive address not displayed #3308

    Looks like there isn’t a wallets-multiadapter directory.
    But there is a multiadapter-validator.min.js under the Bitcoin_and_altcoin_wallets__full_node_multi_coin_adapter_extension-1.0.4-wordpress-plugin-3d16976/assets/scripts directory

    in reply to: receive address not displayed #3292

    It’s not letting me upload my screenshots.  I reduced the size to the point it’s not legible.

    I tried replying to the email, but its not going though saying invalid email address.

    But I get a javascript error on the client side with shortcodes

    GET http://scoobycoin.com/wp-content/plugins/wallets-multiadapter/assets/scripts/wallets-multiadapter-validator.min.js?ver=1.0.4 404 (Not Found)
    wallets-ko-3.5.0.min.js?ver=3.5.0:1 Uncaught TypeError: b.qrcode is not a function
    at c.updateQrCode (wallets-ko-3.5.0.min.js?ver=3.5.0:1)
    at Object.complete (wallets-ko-3.5.0.min.js?ver=3.5.0:1)
    at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at Object.fireWith (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at y (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4)
    at XMLHttpRequest.c (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4)


    but no error appears on the admin side when I try to deposit into cold wallets.

    But either way, it does not display an address.

    Thanks for your help.

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