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  • in reply to: Premium membership payment by cryptocurrencies #9382

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Premium membership payment by cryptocurrencies #9374


    I’ve been good, keeping myself busy with wallets 6.0.0. Hope you are well too.

    For instructions to pay via cryptocurrencies, please see this previous post: https://www.dashed-slug.net/forums/topic/membership-plan/#post-7665

    Best of luck with your new coin.

    with regards

    in reply to: Hiding the error “User is not logged in!” #9348


    Unfortunately the [wallets_rates] shortcode currently uses the JSON-API, which is available only to logged in users. Therefore it’s not possible at this time to display this shortcode to non-logged in users. This is something that will be solved in wallets 6.0.0, with some architectural changes.

    In the meantime, if you simply want to hide the error from users who are not logged in, there are two ways to do this:

    UI elements that display an error gain the error class. Therefore you can add the following to your CSS rules to hide it:

    .dashed-slug-wallets.error { display: none; }

    Alternatively, you can use a WordPress filter to modify the text of the error. The filter is wallets_ui_text_shortcode_error. To see an example of how to use it, you can look at the documentation, under “Frontend” -> “Template Modifications” -> “Shortcode rendering error messages”.

    Hope this helps. Please let me know if I misunderstood your question.

    with regards

    in reply to: Hiding the error “User is not logged in!” #9342

    That is correct. You cannot redirect the user directly to the template file. This is true for all WordPress plugins, not just this one.

    The template file is not a complete page, just an HTML fragment that gets inserted wherever you use the exchange rates file.

    To display exchange rates, create a WordPress page and insert the [wallets_rates] shortcode in it.

    with regards

    in reply to: JSON-API authentication #9341


    About authentication, it’s not about which library or framework you use. It’s about holding cookies between your curl sessions. Glad you figured it out.

    The QR code simply displays the deposit address for each coin. You can get those with the get_coins_info JSON-API call. You will need to use a qr code rendering library to create the qr code image from the address.

    with regards



    First, check to see that you have enabled some coins in the CoinPayments adapter settings.

    Then check to see if your coin adapter is is a state of “Responding”. To check, go to Wallets -> Adapters. There should be some entries with “Responding” status.

    If the CoinPayments adapter is responding, and you have enabled some coins, and you still see this error, then there are two possibilities:

    1. If you only followed the video tutorial and not the article, then read the warning at the top of the article about the get_callback_address permission. The same warning is under the video. You also need to assign this capability that’s not mentioned in the video.

    2. There could be JavaScript errors in your browser console, preventing the UIs from functioning. Check your console. If there are errors, (NOT warnings) then these would break the UI. Resolve these errors before proceeding.

    with regards

    in reply to: JSON-API authentication #9311


    To get the JSON-API key remotely, it is necessary to have the user name and password of the user.

    To see how to get the API key, please see the following section in the documentation:

    “APIs, APIs everywhere!” -> “Wallets JSON API” -> “Programmatic access to the Transactions API” -> “Getting a key”

    The documentation showcases how to do this from the shell using curl. You can do this using your language of choice, as long as you can hold cookies between requests.

    with regards

    in reply to: Exchange manual, fixing page 19 #9298

    Yes, thank you for spotting this! Will be fixed in the next release.

    in reply to: Settings for multiple sites (two) on one node #9292

    There are no changes needed in your bitcoin.conf file. You can simply point as many coin adapters as you want to the same wallet You could use the same coin adapter settings in two different installations, whether they are on the same network or not, but with some caveats. See the article I just posted for more details:

    Howto: Setup the Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets plugin on WordPress Multisite

    with regards

    in reply to: Settings for multiple sites (two) on one node #9287


    To clarify, the latest release did not introduce multisite support. Multisite support has been implemented since 2017. See the 2.2.3 release notes for multisite support, and the 2.4.0 release notes for network-active multisite support.

    The latest patch 5.0.11 resolves an issue with installing the plugin on distinct sites in a network installation, as opposed to network-activating the plugin across all sites.

    You bring up a valid point: I have put out too little information about this. I will write an in depth how-to guide on this topic, detailing all the different choices and trade-offs.

    I will post the link here when it’s ready, hopefully later today.

    with regards

    in reply to: JSON-API authentication #9244


    The plugin you mentioned is for giving you access to the WP RESTful API.

    Current versions of Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets implement the JSON-API with custom code, not via the WP REST API.

    You should follow the instructions given in the manual, under “APIs, APIs everywhere!” -> “Wallets JSON API” -> “Programmatic access to the Transactions API”. You can get the manual in PDF form if you get the bundle download of the plugin from this website. The trick is to pass the user-specific key via the __wallets_api_key GET parameter, or via a bearer authorization HTTP header. Examples using curl are given in the documentation.

    P.S. As a sidenote, I am currently developing Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets 6.0.0, which is a complete rewrite of all the code of the plugin and its extensions and adapters. This is an effort that will take several months and will upgrade many aspects of the software suite. One such improvement is that the WP REST API will be used instead of the current JSON-API. When this is out, I will make every effort to provide backwards compatibility via a JSON-API that will be marked as deprecated and will be compatible with version 3 of the current API. Therefore you will not face any unpleasant surprises regarding the app you are building. In any case, I will blog about wallets 6 at a later date, which may be several months into the future. Watch for the release notes of wallets 6, when they become available, before upgrading to this major version of the plugin, because if there is any migration instructions I will make sure to discuss them on the blog. There will be announcements on Facebook, Twitter, the blog, and the RSS feed.

    with regards

    in reply to: Coinpayments adapter crashes site. #9226


    First of all, to regain access to your site, you can simply delete the plugin’s directory. The directory to delete is wp-content/plugins/wallets-cp.

    Since you did not mention the error, I can’t help you any further (see how to ask for support). Please answer both of the following questions:

    1. Do you see an error message, either on the screen, or in your PHP log? If so, please copy the error here in full.

    2. Does the error persist when you switch to a different theme, such as Twenty Twenty?

    If the error goes away with Twenty Twenty, then this is a typical mistake that some theme developers do, and I’ll be able to help with that.

    with regards

    in reply to: How to signup for premium membership? #9225


    Thank you for your interest in membership.

    You can find the button by clicking “view plan” at https://www.dashed-slug.net/dashed-slug/membership-plans/

    There are also buttons at the homepages for all premium app extensions.

    with regards

    in reply to: Deposit issue – I’ve gone through troubleshooting #9215


    I have now tested again deposits for XRP and TRX on a live system and found no issues.

    1. Out of the coins that you tested, which coins did you succeed to deposit with?

    2. For XRP, it’s necessary to use a Payment ID so that the amount is credited to the correct user account. Did you include the user’s Payment ID when performing the deposit transaction?

    3. In your CoinPayments IPN history, what is the status of the IPN messages for the XRP and TRX deposits? (step 10 in the troubleshooting guide). If the IPN messages are not sent successfully, then this is the source of the problem. There should be something in your PHP error log regarding why the messages were not sent.

    4. I have seen in the past a web host that blocks incoming connections containing strings that look like crypto addresses. Depending on their firewall rules, this can block some coins but not all. Did you check your web server’s access log? Did you see any incoming connections from Also, you could contact the web host and ask them if they have any such firewall rules.

    Please let me know about the above points.

    with regards

    in reply to: Deposit issue – I’ve gone through troubleshooting #9211


    If you have already succeeded with depositing some currencies but not others, then the troubleshooting guide for deposits will not help you. I will have to test again with Ripple and/or Tron to see what’s going on. I will get back to you about this as soon as possible.

    with regards

    P.S. About the affiliate system, it is something that has been discussed in relation to the exchange here and here. It is not related to the coinpayments adapter. At the moment I am not accepting any feature requests. I am busy with a complete rewrite of the entire plugin and it’s extensions. This will take anywhere between 4 and 6 months, as it’s over 100kLOC that needs to be re-engineered. After this, I will be able to implement several requested features, and integration with an existing affiliate plugin will be one of them.

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