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  • in reply to: Fiat Withdrawal permission error #9859

    Hello Chris,

    Editing pending fiat withdrawals only requires you to have the manage_wallets capability. If you’re seeing the Wallets menu, then your user already has this capability.

    Try deactivating your security plugins temporarily. Does this let you edit the withdrawal?

    Let me know please.

    with regards

    in reply to: Fiat deposit and withdrawals #9857

    @vosagroup Hi, thank you for posting this issue in a new thread, I will reply to you there.



    First, some background information:

    You should not expect the number of addresses to be the same as the number of users. Deposit addresses are generated lazily when users visit their wallets only. A deposit address is assigned a blog_id, based on which blog the user was on when they visited their wallet. Normally the blog_id column is not taken into account for network-active installations (but see below).

    There are two issues here:

    1. There is a bug in the code that selects data for the admin screens “Deposit Addresses” and “User balances” that only affects network-active installations. Data is filtered by blog id when it shouldn’t. I will be fixing this in wallets version 5.0.13. Please wait until I release the fix later today. Note that the fix only affects the way data (addresses and balances) are shown in the admin screens, it does not actually affect the ledger or balances.

    2. Deposits are discovered by the turtlecoin adapter on cron job runs. There is a likely bug in the turtlecoin adapter that prevents the adapter from “walking” the block height upwards. This would cause deposits to not be discovered. I first have to confirm this issue and then will release a fix to the adapter and notify you here.

    The first issue affects also the results you get in your other thread. More on that there.

    with regards

    in reply to: Balance vs Available Balance. #9855


    Thank you for your help in diagnosing this.

    For more detail on why the blog ids are assigned in this way see my reply to your other thread. Normally the blog_id should not matter in network_active installations, except for the following:

    There is a bug in the code that displays balances in the admin backend. Addresses and transactions are filtered by blog_id even in network_active installations where they shouldn’t be.

    Note that there is no issue with the actual balance calculations as they are used to process transactions. Only with the display in the admin screens.

    This will be fixed in wallets version 5.0.13. I will notify you here about this.

    with regards

    in reply to: Hcaptcha #9820

    @dynamitemedia OK I’ve implemented hCaptcha. I hadn’t realise that it makes you money! You will find support for it in 1.8.0.

    I ended up implementing hCaptcha rather than reCaptcha 3. Also, the assets are only loaded on pages where you insert the claim shortcode. Thus, it’s less likely that the plugin will interfere with other JavaScript assets such as ones on the login pages. In any case, if you switch to hCaptcha, then you shouldn’t have any problems.

    with regards

    in reply to: Buddypress Tip Authors #9818

    @d3vnu77 I do not have any other plans besides what I already detailed recently on the blog.

    Before I could comment on how much work something would be I would have to look at the requirements and do a short analysis.

    But since I am no longer accepting feature requests, I won’t be doing any analysis. My priority is wallets6.

    with regards

    in reply to: coin ticker hide #9817

    Oh OK I see now.

    The filter modifies the JSON-API responses. The JSON-API data is used by the dynamic UIs.

    If you are going to use template=”static”, then yes, the best way to do this is to modify the template.

    Instead of

    if ( isset( $adapters[ $atts['symbol'] ] ) ) {
            $balance_str = sprintf( $adapters[ $atts['symbol'] ]->get_sprintf(), $balance );
    } else {
            $balance_str = sprintf( "$atts[symbol] %01.8f", $balance );

    You could have something like:

    $balance_str = sprintf( "%01.8f", $balance );

    You should place your modified copy of the template under your theme directory, at /templates/wallets/balance-static.php, as described here.

    Hope this helps, and apologies for the confusion.

    in reply to: coin ticker hide #9807

    Sorry, I copied the code from inside a class and forgot there was a visibility modifier in there 🙂

    Try again without the public keyword.

    with regards

    in reply to: coin ticker hide #9805


    The balance-static.php template corresponds to the shortcode [wallets_balance template="static"]. This is for rendering the balance UI on the server side. You get no live updates to the values, but you can pass the user_id or symbol attributes. All of this mess will be resolved in wallets6.

    The best way to control the symbol next to amounts is not to override the templates, but to use the special filter for this purpose.

    From the documentation to the JSON-API.

    Amounts pattern

    Cryptocurrency amounts in the frontend are passed through an sprintf() function. The JavaScript implementation used is https://github.com/alexei/sprintf.js.

    wallets_sprintf_pattern_XYZ – Display pattern for amounts of coin with symbol XYZ.

    To override the frontend display format for Bitcoin amounts:

            public function filter_wallets_sprintf_pattern_BTC( $pattern ) {
                    return 'BTC %01.8f';
            add_filter( 'wallets_sprintf_pattern_BTC', 'filter_wallets_sprintf_pattern_BTC' );

    So you can use this filter in your theme or child theme to modify the pattern that amounts are shown for any currency. (Note that this filter has been re-implemented in the upcoming REST API in wallets6, so you can expect it to continue to work into the future.)

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you encounter any diffculty implementing this solution.

    with regards

    in reply to: market buy n/a #9785


    There are two types of orders available on this exchange: market orders and limit orders:

    A limit order will either match existing orders, or will stay on the orderbook.

    A market order will either match existing orders, or will not be executed.

    For a market order to execute, there must be an equal amount of limit orders on the order book, at the opposite site (i.e. for a market bid, there must be sufficient limit asks, and for a market ask, there must be sufficient limit bids). If there are no sufficient limit orders on the order book, the market order cannot be executed.

    Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

    with regards

    in reply to: WooCommerce Subscriptions Issue #9784


    It would generally be possible, and useful, to implement this functionality. But what’s required requires a significant amount of development.

    At the moment I cannot respond to any feature requests or suggestions. I only address issues/defects as they arise. The reason is that I have already way too much work in my backlog for wallets6.

    I will soon be releasing a detailed article on the blog, explaining what I’m busy with.

    with regards

    in reply to: WooCommerce Subscriptions Issue #9775


    This is to be expected.

    I didn’t claim that the gateway is compatible with WooCommerce subscriptions.

    In fact, I don’t even have access to this plugin, so I don’t know if it’s compatible, but it probably isn’t.

    with regards

    in reply to: How to Deposit to Hot Wallet #9770


    Please see my reply to your other post about this:

    How to deposit to the hot wallet directly

    with regards

    in reply to: Bulding Table / execute shortcode in PHP #9763

    @LeinAd I understand now, thank you.

    You would like to add a button to the deposit-list template, that displays deposit QR codes on a popup. What you are describing would require development, especially the part about popups.

    If you are serious about this, start by copying over templates/deposit-list.php into your theme as described here. Then, you’d need to:
    1. add a now column with the button
    2. capture the button click event
    3. create a popup somehow
    4. in that popup, render the qr code

    If you want to study the code that renders qr codes, it’s here: https://github.com/dashed-slug/wallets/blob/5.0.12/assets/scripts/wallets-ko.js#L286-L322

    Essentially you want to render the qrcode_uri of each coin into your popup element. So, very roughly, something like:

    $('.button','.dashed-slug-wallets.deposit-list' ).click(
    	function() {
    		var coin = self.selectedCryptoCoin();
    		if ( 'object' == typeof( coins[ coin ] ) ) {
    			// choose to render qrcode_uri if specified, or deposit address string otherwise
    			var qrcode_uri = false;
    			if ( 'string' == typeof( coins[ coin ].deposit_address_qrcode_uri ) ) {
    				qrcode_uri = coins[ coin ].deposit_address_qrcode_uri;
    			} else if ( 'string' == typeof( coins[ coin ].deposit_address ) ) {
    				qrcode_uri = coins[ coin ].deposit_address;
    			// TODO create/display a popup somehow
    			var $popup = $('#popup');
    			$popup.qrcode( {
    				width: $popup.width(),
    				height: $popup.height(),
    				text: qrcode_uri
    			} );

    I haven’t tested this, but hopefully you get the general idea. If you want to see the API docs for the qr code library, it’s here:


    Hope this helps.

    with regards

    in reply to: Hcaptcha #9762

    @LeinAd Thank you. You bring a valid point. I will look into upgrading reCaptcha to v3 for the faucet. I will notify you again here when I have news on this.

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