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  • in reply to: Wrong Config File output #10552


    Yes, thank you for taking the time to report this issue.

    This is an issue that I have corrected in the built-in Bitcoin core adapter, but not in the Multi Coin Adapter.

    Try adding your WordPress host’s IP address in an rpcallowip= line, in CIDR notation. Assuming your WordPress IP is and its network is class C, you would add something like:


    Also, add a rpcbind= line with your wallet’s public ip address. Let’s say your wallet is on IP, then you’d add the following, for good measure:


    (no CIDR notation this time, just an IP).

    I will update the Multi Coin Adapter and release a patch today for this.

    Let me know if you are still facing difficulties connecting your wallet. If so, let me know what error you see in the wallet logs.

    with regards

    in reply to: TurtleCoin adapter appears locked for withdrawals #10542


    When the lock is on, this simply the adapter saying to the plugin that it is not safe or possible to perform withdrawals at this time.

    Looking at the is_unlocked() function, these are the conditions that would make the wallet appear locked:

    1. If communication with the wallet is not possible
    2. If the wallet is a view-only wallet
    3. If the wallet highest block is larger that the network highest block

    It’s likely that this third situation was the case. This is transient and should resolve as the wallet and network sync, which is probably what happened.

    with regards


    OK, but unfortunately I no longer accept new feature requests for users, as I am too busy with the next iteration of the plugins.

    Plus, I do not plan to change the exchange UIs in the near future.

    with regards



    Unfortunately no, there is no easy way to display the maximum number of base currency that can be spent in a limit order, without knowing the price for the order. Note that the available BTC balance is not necessarily the amount you want to display.

    Consider this: In your example, the maximum amount of BTC that you can spend to buy DOGE is determined by two things:

    1. Your available BTC balance.

    2. The orderbook depth.

    Once you choose a price and an amount of DOGE to buy, then the UI can calculate how much BTC you can spend.

    Fortunately, the functionality you want is already there, but you don’t see it because you are using a modified template.

    If you use the built-in template for limit orders, you get a “Max” button in both limit orders and market orders. With limit orders, the button appears when the user selects a price, whereas in market orders, the “Max” button is always available.

    For limit orders, the “Max” button will set the maximum amount of DOGE that you can buy given the current user’s available balance, the current user price, AND the orderbook depth. In more detail:

    1. The user sets a price that they want to buy in

    2. Once the price is known, the “Max” button appears. This takes into account the available BTC balance (i.e. not locked in existing trades or pending transactions), AND the market depth, i.e. liquidity.

    3. Once the user clicks on the “Max” button, the “Total” field shows how much BTC is going to be spent, at that price. You get two amounts because there is a best-case and a worst-case scenario, depending on whether maker or taker fees will be charged at the time of execution.

    The same “Max” button is available for market orders, where there is no “Price field”. The only difference is this: with market orders, the “Max” button is always available. The UI can calculate exactly what will happen if you buy or sell the available amount. This is because market orders always incur the “taker” fees, so there is only one possible execution at the time of order placement, given the orderbook.

    In both cases, the user will be able to see exactly in the “Total” field how much BTC can be spent on a DOGE buy, before placing the order.

    So, in conclusion, revert to the built-in templates and you will get the functionality.

    Hope this helps.

    with regards

    in reply to: Coinpayments adapter crashes site. #10526


    In the error log you sent me I do not see any PHP errors, only warnings, possibly coming from your theme.

    Here’s what you can do:

    1. Try using another theme and reinstall the coin adapter. If the coin adapter works with another theme, let me know.

    2. Some themes load TGMPA in a way that is not plugin-friendly. If the coin adapter loads TGMPA first, then the theme can crash, if it is poorly coded. To see if this is the case, do the following: Delete the directory wp-content/plugins/wallets-cp/TGM-Plugin-Activation. The file is not strictly required so you can delete it. Afterwards, activate the coin adapter again.

    3. When you received an email with the subject “Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue”, there should be some details including a stack trace under the heading “Error details”. If you show me the stack trace I can help you.

    4. If you can provide me with admin login credentials, I can check the issue myself and see what the problem is. But first try points 1, 2 and 3 and please let me know what you found.

    with regards

    in reply to: Coinpayments adapter crashes site. #10519

    @precious6 Please check your PHP error log for any errors. Let me know what error you see, so I can help you. with regards

    in reply to: Is it possible to add NXT? #10518


    Thanks for the suggestion. It is a good idea.

    Unfortunately I am currently very busy with the upcoming wallets6 project, where “coin adapters” will be replaced with a new thing, “wallet adapters”. Once I do this, I will work on a wallet adapter for ERC-20, and after that I can look at NXT. So it is unlikely that I can look at this, or any other feature request, before 2022.

    I am adding your request to the backlog.

    with regards

    in reply to: Wallet balance load time delay #10492


    1. How many coins have you enabled in CoinPayments? Does the problem persist if you only enable e.g. one or two coins? Normally the adapter should be able to handle many coins, but if your server’s connection to CoinPayments is slow, this could be an issue.

    2. If the get_coins_info call takes too long to complete, this is likely not an issue with the plugin, but is specific to your setup. There is only one fast way to debug this: Deactivate all your plugins one-by-one until you see a change to the response time on the frontend. If you can pinpoint the issue as arising from a specific plugin, I can investigate further why this is so and what can be done about it.

    3. Please open up the network tab in your browser’s console (F12) and refresh the wallet page. How long, in seconds, does it take for the XHR requests to complete? The [wallets_balance] shortcode requires the get_coins_info call to return. How long does this take? Let me know please.

    Having said this: If you are using too many shortcodes in one page, the frontend will be slow, unfortunately. This will be resolved in the upcoming version 6.0.0 of the plugin, because it requires architectural changes.

    Please try to provide answers to all three questions so I can help you. Looking forward to your reply.

    thank you

    P.S. I have moved your post from the CoinPayments adatpter forum since it is likely a more general issue not related to CoinPayments.

    in reply to: Exchange and balance determiner #10490


    Glad you resolved the other issues.

    Can you please explain, what you mean by “widget transfer”?

    Which shortcode are you using? What do you mean by “user is not shown”? Where do you expect to see the user?

    Looking forward to more details about your query.

    with regards

    in reply to: Exchange and balance determiner #10479


    The issue you describe has nothing to do with the airdrop.

    In the screenshot you show me the UI for market orders (rather than limit orders).

    Market orders occur at the current market price. If there have never been any trades on your market, then there is no existing market price.

    As I explain on the Exchange homepage, the markets are not connected in any way to any other external markets. It is up to you or other users to place limit orders so that an orderbook exists on your site. Price is derived from the orderbook. I have tried to make this limitation clear on the exchange’s homepage.

    So, start by placing some limit orders around the price that you want your market to have. Once there is at least one trade performed on the market, then the market-order UI can know what the price of the market is.

    The lock shown next to fiat withdrawals is shown as expected. Fiat withdrawals are only performed manually. The lock simply means that there is no automated withdrawal. I do not plan to add any automated withdrawal features for fiat currencies, as I have explained many times on this forum.

    Please let me know if you have any more questions about the plugins.

    with regards

    in reply to: Wallets not shown and other issues on multisite #10478


    If, as you say, the shortcodes suddenly started displaying, this sounds to me more like a caching thing.

    Thank you for the info about wallet builders. I was not aware of this and it does look like a great match with the plugin. I will add this information to the Multi Coin adapter extension homepage. Hopefully by 2022 there will be an ERC-20 adapter so people will be able to create their own coins more easily.

    The exchange extension already uses the TradingView UI since version 1.3.0. Styling is mostly the responsibility of the web developer, but I do intend to work on it in the future, when other more pressing tasks are done. Ultimately styling is theme-specific thing so I can’t improve it much without losing generality.

    The graph cannot have price values before trades are performed, because this is not how it works: The exchange does not have any connection with other markets. Rather it is a way for people to create their own market, and it may or may not correspond to any other external markets.

    For people who want to allow trading over a well-known pair, such as BTC_ETH, there may be another extension in the future that will allow swapping coins at globally accepted market rates. I will have to think about this.

    Thank you for your comments, I really appreciate your input.

    with regards

    in reply to: Wallets not shown and other issues on multisite #10462

    Thank you for the additional details.

    It sounds like some of the issues were resolved, so that’s great to hear.

    What do you see in place of the shortcodes?

    Normally, if a shortcode cannot be rendered, it will display an error message (unless if you have hidden errors with custom CSS).

    Failing this, it may be a good idea to enable logging and check the debug.log file for any errors.

    If you cannot find any error messages, I can login to your site and check. If you want me to, please email admin credentials for your site and I’ll login and check.

    with regards

    in reply to: Wallets not shown and other issues on multisite #10459

    Account not activated after PayPal payment

    Hello and welcome. Thank you for paying for membership.

    First of all, the activation code is only for automatic updates to your extensions. It is possible that it’s in your spam folder. You can also find your activation code when you log in to this site, in the site’s homepage and other pages. Just search for “activation” in the page. If you can’t find it, you can email me and I’ll send you the code again. For details about the activation code see here: https://www.dashed-slug.net/dashed-slug/extension-updates-activation/

    Please tell me the following:

    1. What do you mean by “No users are being allocated wallets”? What do you see on the screen? If you have used the shortcodes and you see “No currencies are currently enabled”, then see the relevant guide in the howto section: https://www.dashed-slug.net/howto-debug-shortcodes-no-currencies-are-currently-enabled/

    Also, since you are on multisite, it’s possible that users were not assigned capabilities correctly. Please go to Wallets -> Capabilities and check. Admins should have “manage_wallets”, while other users should have “has_wallets” and all other wallets capabilities, except “manage_wallets”.

    2. If you have installed the CoinPayments adapter but you haven’t managed to enable any currencies, then let’s focus on this issue first. You mentioned that you see an error message to check your code. What error message is this? Please show me.

    For example, some themes incorrectly use TGMPA in such a way that they crash the plugins that also use TGMPA. If you show me the error message I’ll be able to tell what’s wrong.

    3. You also mentioned that you see an error communicating with CoinPayments. Can you show me the error?

    Since you are using the plugin on a multisite installation, please also tell me whether the plugin (and its adapters and app extensions) are network-activated, or if they are only activated on single sites in your network.

    In short, please be as specific as possible so I can help. Any errors you see, please copy and paste them so I can see the problem.

    P.S. I have moved your post to a new thread, since it was not related to the other thread. Since you are able to download premium extensions, then the issue is not related to the activation code. I have checked your account and it is a premium account.

    with regards

    in reply to: Negative available balance after trade #10448


    Thank you. This is part of the information I requested. Please see again my previous posts.

    with regards

    in reply to: Negative available balance after trade #10441


    In continuation to our previous discussion,

    Unfortunately this is even less information than before.

    If you want me to look at this issue again, please provide at least one of the following two things:

    1. Clear instructions on how to reproduce the issue

    Please see points 1 – 5 at https://www.dashed-slug.net/forums/topic/negative-aviable-balance-after-trade/#post-10275

    I would need to see the base and quote balances of both users before and after the transaction, AND a screenshot of the trades under “Wallets” -> “Transactions” at a minimum.

    2. An SQL dump of the transaction and trade data for the two users.

    For example, if the trade was between users 123 and 321 and between coins with tickers ABC and XYZ, you could issue the following into the MySQL console:

    select * from wp_wallets_txs where account in (123,321) and symbol in ('ABC','XYZ');

    select * from wp_wallets_orders where account in (123,321) and ( base_symbol in ('ABC','XYZ') or quote_symbol in ('ABC','XYZ') );

    Do not worry about sharing personal data – there are none. The users here are just integer numbers. This is not going to be a GDPR problem.

    If you can provide either one of the above, then I can investigate the issue again.

    Thank you

    with regards

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