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  • in reply to: Support for other coins #1688


    And thanks for your kind words.

    Yes, pretty much. If your coin is a clone of Bitcoin that retains most of its JSON-RPC API intact, then it should be just a matter of replacing strings. You can start from the litecoin adapter which I consider the reference implementation.

    Litecoin RPC Adapter extension

    From time to time I update the litecoin and other adapters. Simply remove the ds-update.php file before redistributing your plugin extension.

    Start by looking here: https://www.dashed-slug.net/developers-coin-adapters-api/

    in reply to: Bitcoin daemon error #1677

    mumiea, what have you tried? Did you check your firewall on the VPS site?

    in reply to: Bitcoin daemon error #1669

    Also, keep in mind that after editing the .conf file you should restart your daemon for the changes to take effect.

    in reply to: Bitcoin daemon error #1668

    While it is true that VPSs don’t allow you to constantly use 100% CPU, this should not be a problem, as you’re not supposed to CPU-mine anything. Not only is CPU mining bitcoins terribly inefficient as of 2017, but it has nothing to do with maintaining a wallet. It is true that while synchronizing the blockchain the wallet uses the CPU a bit more as it is confirming blocks, but after it synchronizes, CPU usage should be minimal.

    If the box is still showing then that means that for whatever reason the wallet is still not connecting. Have a look at the adapters page, and specifically at the status column for your bitcoin adapter. There should be more information about why the plugin is not connecting.

    in reply to: Not see in panel #1655


    The WooCommerce payment gateway settings do not appear under the Wallets tab, rather they appear together with the other payment gateways in WooCommerce → Settings → Checkout → Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets as described in the instructions.

    If you find this path hard to remember, you can go to Plugins and find the WooCommerce Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway extension. It will have a link to “Settings” under the plugin name.


    in reply to: How to change the default plugin layout #1654

    What exactly are you trying to achieve? The faucet is broken up into a number of shortcodes so that you can insert those into your own layout. Additionally, you can use CSS to style these parts. You will not be able to easily control the captchas themselves because they are in IFRAMEs, but this is not a limitation of this plugin. Other than that, you should be able to control the layout by arranging the shortcodes and with CSS.

    in reply to: Transaction fee #1650


    I have implemented the proportional fees request in wallets version 2.4.5 and you can set proportional fees throughout all coinpayments adapters in one setting in the latest adapter version 0.3.1-beta. Also, the 0.5% deposit fee incurred by the platform is now correctly reflected in the transactions table, as is the fixed coinpayments withdrawal fee, which is different for each coin.

    0.3.1-beta should also fix the situation where coins were not being listed. Additionally, if there is an error while listing coins, you should be seeing a useful error message in your admin area. Try it in your staging area and let me know.


    in reply to: Transaction fee #1643

    I removed the fees settings because they were getting too complicated. In a later version I will combine the fees into one setting that will be expressed as a percentage. I already have another request where several users are asking for fees to be expressed as a percentage of the transacted amount, so this will have to happen first.

    Since you are running a WooCommerce site, you should be earning funds by selling products, not by setting fees on transactions. The fee is mainly to cover blockchain fees.

    Like I said, this adapter is in beta so expect more changes soon.


    in reply to: Coinpayment adapter #1642

    The latest version 0.3.0-beta supports Ethereum as well as some other coins. See the release notes here:

    Improvements to the CoinPayments cloud wallet adapter including Ethereum availability

    in reply to: Truly an heroic effort! #1617

    1. The electrum adapter is now available at https://www.dashed-slug.net/bitcoin-altcoin-wallets-wordpress-plugin/electrum-bitcoin-rpc-adapter-extension/
    2. The plugin uses blockchains for deposits and withdrawals. It maintains an internal ledger on the database to record transactions between users and to maintain user balances.


    in reply to: Bitcoin daemon error #1579


    Since your question is about the bitcoin daemon and not the WordPress plugin, you might have more luck asking at channels related to the Bitcoin wallet, such as https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com or https://bitcointalk.org . Having said this, here’s a few things that come to mind:

    You will probably want to install bitcoind as a service, not just run it from the command line. Most installation guides tell you how to do this for your system. Perhaps the installation process that you performed has already done this? It could well be that bitcoin is running. Try a bitcoin-cli getbalance and see if you get a number as a response. You can also check to see if the daemon is running with ps ax | grep bitcoind. To see if that port is open do netstat -a | grep 8332.

    Let me know what you find.


    in reply to: can't download plugin #1537


    The WooCommerce Payment Gateway is available to members who pay for the subscription service.

    Please refer to the homepage https://www.dashed-slug.net/ to see which extensions are available to paying members and which are available to all subscribers.


    in reply to: Truly an heroic effort! #1517

    Following up on my last reply:

    I have now done some initial analysis and it turns out that the RPC API of the Electrum wallet is not completely compatible with that of Bitcoin core. However it is relatively easy to interface to.

    I will develop an Electrum coin adapter and will notify you once it is released.


    in reply to: Truly an heroic effort! #1516

    Hi Andy,

    I appreciate your kind words and your suggestion.

    Indeed it should be technically possible to use Electrum, thanks to the modular nature of the plugin.

    I have not yet looked into this, but I will have a look now. According to the documentation, the Electrum wallet exposes a JSONRPC interface. Either it is possible to connect it currently with some config, or it will be possible with a new coin adapter that I will release soon.

    In either case, I will contact you on this thread again once I have something more concrete for you. This will be soon.

    thanks and regards,

    in reply to: How to create service or cron? #1514


    I am not familiar with how to setup bitcoin as a service on CentOS. This forum is about issues with the WordPress plugin and its extensions. I do not believe you would need to use cron though.

    A good place to start would be here: https://www.ringingliberty.com/bitcoin/

    By asking on Bitcoin-related forums or CentOS forums you should come across people and articles who know about this. Good luck.


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