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  • in reply to: Wondering how it works #2568

    Hello again,

    Yes, you have already requested this and I have implemented an on/off switch. It will be out today with the next release.

    I highly doubt that this will improve your site’s performance.

    If you have a large number of users, it is very likely that the delay is caused by the get_users_info JSON call. If you do not need to use the [wallets_move] shortcode, then simply disable the send_funds_to_user capability from your admin menu. This is needed only until I can improve the way [wallets_move] works.

    Alternatively, it might be wise to reduce the number of coins that you have enabled in the CoinPayments adapter.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Need help with Mycred integration! #2567

    Thanks for the clarification.

    The CoinPayments adapter is a coin adapter for the Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets plugin. It cannot be used as a payment gateway.

    Are you using the WooCommerce payment gateway available here? https://www.dashed-slug.net/bitcoin-altcoin-wallets-wordpress-plugin/woocommerce-cryptocurrency-payment-gateway-extension/

    in reply to: error in page source #2562


    This does not look like an error.

    This is some data that the PHP backend passes to the frontend JavaScript code. The mechanism used is wp_localize_script() which is a WordPress function used to attach custom data to scripts. See more here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_localize_script

    However the data you show me seems to be HTML-escaped. I do not know why you see this data escaped. When I inspect a page using Firefox I get this:

    EDIT: Correction, your data is not escaped, it looks good. I was looking at a copy of your message in my email where it was HTML-escaped.


    1. Do you get an error in your JavaScript console?
    2. Which browser and version are you using?

    in reply to: Regular Payments #2561

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Rates, Base Currency #2560

    Yes you are correct that CoinMarketCap and CryptoCompare can be good sources of exchange rates, although I have not yet studied the APIs.

    Hopefully these can be added as options next to the already existing ones.

    I already have a ticket for cryptocompare that you requested about 3 days ago. I will add coinmarketcap to my list to revisit when time permits.

    Thank you, it’s a very good idea


    in reply to: Need help with Mycred integration! #2559


    I’m curious, how come you said that you “can buy the points already through the coinpayments adapter”? The CoinPayments adapter lets you use a number of cryptocurrencies, not buy or sell anything, and MyCred points are not a cryptocurrency.

    Making it possible to do what you suggest might not be a bad idea, but it would probably involve the following:

    – A coin adapter that interfaces with the MyCred plugin
    – An exchange

    I am already working on building an exchange, whenever I find time among user support requests, and I am unable to undertake any more work. Additionally, I do not undertake custom development tasks, this is explained in the FAQ. There is simply too much to do as it is.

    I am adding your idea to my backlog, but unfortunately I cannot make any promises as to when something like that would be available.

    Thank you very much for sharing this. Hope you understand.

    P.S. I have moved this to the General Discussion because it is not really relevant to the CoinPayments adapter.

    in reply to: Regular Payments #2551

    Yes you are correct, this would be very useful and I have thought about this.
    The first user of such a plugin would be myself. I want to use it to sell subscription to the dashed-slug products and service.

    I do not think that the best approach would be to integrate it with WooCommerce though. This will either be a payment gateway for an established membership plugin, or an extension to the wallets plugin that will control user roles according to some recurring payments scheme.

    In any case it will have to be done after I work on the exchange. The exchange is the most requested extension by far. Therefore I am unable to give you an estimate on when I would start work on subscriptions.

    Thank you for sharing this.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Only 2 decimals "ShapeShift Exchange extension" #2547

    This is now rolled out in version 0.2.0-beta of the ShapeShift extension.


    The latest version 1.2.1 of the faucet extension is now translatable. You can follow the instructions in the main plugin’s documentation under “Localization” to translate the frontend. Frontend strings are in wallets-faucet/languages/wallets-faucet-front.pot.

    in reply to: Wondering how it works #2541

    Besides polling, the plugin also refreshes coin information and balances whenever the wallets page regains focus according to the Page Visibility API (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Page_Visibility_API). If you wish I could add a switch so that this behavior can be turned off. Adding a way for the user to request a manual refresh will involve a bit more work and I will do it when time permits.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Rates, Base Currency #2533

    Yes this would be expected.

    For the fiat amounts to be displayed the exchange rate to BTC must be available via an exchange rate provider.

    Realistically I do not know how soon I can add CryptoCompare but I will make a note of it.

    It does look very cool since it carries a lot of coins, so thank you for suggesting this.

    In the meantime, if you have PHP skills and wish to implement yourself some quick hack to pull clam exchange rates from somewhere, here is some boilerplate code that might help you:


    I will try to get CryptoCompare added soon.

    kind regards

    in reply to: POS Coins #2532

    You are correct, such a table is needed. I will try to get it in soon.

    thanks for the suggestion

    kind regards

    P.S. In the future please open a new thread for each distinct request, this helps keep the forums clean for people who look for similar info in the future. Thanks.

    in reply to: Faucethub API #2531


    Unfortunately implementing a faucet microtransaction API might not work very well for this plugin. This is because the balance a user holds is shared between the faucet and other plugins.

    The correct solution to this problem will eventually be provided by the Lightning network. I have not had the time to test and implement it.

    A BTC faucet is somewhat of an edge case – most users use the faucet to distribute smaller coins, and these coins do not have the high fees that Bitcoin recently had, due to them having less scale.

    As lightning becomes more prevalent, Bitcoin should be good both for store of value and fast, cheap transactions, so I will try to provide an implementation towards that.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Need to add some other features #2522


    The first feature is an exchange. Everyone needs this, not just you. I have written about this before on the readme and elsewhere, including a long explanation here: https://www.dashed-slug.net/forums/topic/when-is-the-trading-plugin-role-out/#post-2404

    As for PoS coins, they will not be implemented any time soon. There is simply not enough time for me to do this, and it is a huge architectural change that would require changes everywhere including the database tables, adapters, etc.

    I try to add features that people ask me but these two things are very huge tasks. I am trying to do the first one, (the exchange) as time permits, but the priority has to fall on solving bugs and providing support.

    In any case thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Only 2 decimals "ShapeShift Exchange extension" #2521


    Yes, you are correct, I will increase the number of decimals to 3.

    This will be out soon.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

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