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  • in reply to: Change the Timers max Value #3107

    This is very strange.

    If you check assets/scripts/wallets-faucet.js you will find that in cases where the remaining time is more than 1 hour, the time is now displayed as human-readable text. Additionally, I have tested this extensively.

    My first thought was that the old JavaScript code is still running on your browser, but I have made sure to attach a version number to the wp_enqueue_script() call so this is not very likely. It might be worth clearing your cache anyway just to make sure.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Notification Suggestion #3106

    OK sounds like you could be doing something wrong.

    There are three places where you can enter a blockexplorer url:

    1. When you extend the Dashed_Slug_Coin_Adapter class to create your own coin adapter from scratch, you can override the methods explorer_uri_transaction() and explorer_uri_address(). You can use the method get_symbol() to constuct your URI based on the actual symbol of the instance. You could define an abstract subclass that returns something like 'https://chainz.cryptoid.info/' . $this->get_symbol() . '/tx.dws?%s' and then not have to worry about this in any concrete implementations for each coin you instantiate.

    2. You can provide a URI by binding to the filter: wallets_explorer_uri_tx_XXX or the filter: wallets_explorer_uri_add_XXX where XXX is a coin symbol. In this case you have no choice – you have to use the XXX symbol in your URI pattern since it is already part of the filter you are binding to.

    3. In the MultiAdapter’s coins.csv file. Again, in this file every line is its own coin, so again you have to use the coin symbol as part of the URI.

    Hope this is clearer. I do not want to change the URI pattern, because that would break things. I am confused by what you mentioned “My service supports multiple coins but I only have one notification” Block explorer URIs have nothing to do with the notification mechanism. If you insist that none of the above solutions work for you, could you please explain why in more detail?

    Thank you very much

    kind regards

    in reply to: Fees #3105


    I am not sure what you are asking exactly.

    Do you want to disable deposit fees? Deposit fees only exist for the CoinPayments adapter and are enforced by the platform, not the plugin.

    Please post a new thread about this because this is a separate issue.

    If possible could you please explain in more detail what it is exactly that you want to delete?

    Thank you

    kind regards

    in reply to: Fees #3100

    The documentation is the PDF file in the bundle download of the plugin. http://dashed-slug.net/downloads/

    in reply to: Fees #3098


    Please see under Fees in the Glossary section of the documentation for a detailed explanation about how fees work.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Change the Timers max Value #3096

    This is now fixed in version 1.3.5 of the faucet extension.


    in reply to: Change the Timers max Value #3094


    I will have a look at this soon.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Feature Request: QR Code scan for withdrawals #3093


    Yes, this has been requested again a few months back, I simply have not had the time to implement it. It is in my backlog.


    in reply to: Notification Suggestion #3092


    No, actually variable substitution is not needed in the block explorer links.

    You can enter the coin symbol in lowercase as part of the URI.

    There are instructions on how to do this in the manual.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Input and Output fields move on errors #3091

    Hi yes I am aware of the issue.

    You can fix it on your site with some CSS until I address it.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Notification Suggestion #3087

    OK in that case you should enter the coin symbol in lowercase.

    There is no variable for the coin. Enter one link pattern per coin.

    in reply to: Notification Suggestion #3085

    Hello Philipp,

    Block explorer links do not accept variables in the same way that email templates do.

    your link would be something like https://chainz.cryptoid.info/XYZ/tx.dws?%s

    Where XYZ would be your coin and %s is substituted with the TXID using the PHP sprintf function.

    I can make it so that %2$s is lowercase TXID while %s or %1$s is the current uppercase value.

    This will go into the next release.


    in reply to: Countdown Timer #3084

    Yes, and I replied to you over email that I could not login.

    Perhaps my email went to your spam folder?

    in reply to: How to customise text labels on UI forms? #3081

    Haha thanks.

    It’s not magic. Simply a combination of good project management skills and lots of caffeine.

    Glad it worked for you.

    in reply to: Insufficient balance issue #3078

    Thanks Philip,

    With your help I believe I have identified the problem and will provide a fix on the next release.


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