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  • in reply to: How to debug this ? #3239


    My apologies. This is my fault.

    You cannot hook to the wallets_multiadapter_coins filter from a theme because it runs before any themes are loaded.

    You have two options:

    1. Enter your data into assets/coins.csv. This is not ideal because if there is an update to the multiadapter your csv file will be overwritten. But this can be a way to quickly move forward for now.
    2. The best course of action would be to take the code you have and wrap it into a plugin. This is very simple:
      1. Create a new PHP file
      2. Add some headers as shown here
      3. Paste your code beneath the headers
      4. Copy the PHP file into your wp-content/plugins directory
      5. Go to Plugins and activate your plugin.

    Thank you for reporting this problem. I will update the online instructions today.

    kind regards



    Hello Philipp,

    The plugin has a modular architecture: it connects to coin adapters and app extensions.

    You can connect to a full node if you wish, and that allows use of some of the lesser-known coins with apps such as the WooCommerce payment gateway. You can also install a cloud wallet adapter if you do not wish to install a full node.

    All of this is explained in the readme and documentation. Choosing between a full node or a cloud wallet adapter has its tradeoffs. You can have a look if you like.

    kind regards


    in reply to: Feature request #3222

    Thank you for submitting this.

    I will review your suggestions as soon as possible.

    kind regards


    in reply to: How to debug this ? #3221


    Could you please be more clear? Is the function not being called?

    How are you attaching it to the hook? Where is your code located? Does it run?


    in reply to: Eur deposit #3220


    I have not replied earlier to you because I am extremely busy at the moment.

    To answer your query, I am not considering option #2 as it is way too complex. The plan is for me to release the long awaited exchange extension as soon as possible. This is the first priority. Then, if people want to enable currencies such as USDT or TUSD, they will be able to exchange between fiat and crypto.

    The plugin will not provide a way to directly purchase cryptos with fiat as this is out of scope.

    kind regards



    Thank you for noticing this bug, it is fixed in version 1.0.5 of the coin adapter.

    kind regards


    in reply to: balances not showing up #3194

    Hello Klaus,

    1. What address did you send your coins to? Unless you sent the coins to an address that has been assigned as a deposit address for a user, the coins would not be credited towards the balance of any user. Use the frontend [wallets_deposit] shortcode or the User profiles section in your admin to determine a deposit address for a user and then send coins to that user. They should appear as a deposit for that user and once confirmed will count towards their balance.

    2. If you are using the MultiCoin adapter you should follow the instructions on the adapter’s homepage on how to add your coin: https://www.dashed-slug.net/bitcoin-altcoin-wallets-wordpress-plugin/full-node-multi-coin-adapter-extension/ The field that should correspond to CCC would be the symbol.

    Please let me know if you have any more questions.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Buy with credit card #3191

    Hello Rajiv,

    I have seen your posts. You had posted under a blog post, and that requires approval on my part the first time you post. Since your question was about requesting support you were correct to post it here on the forum. I will delete your identical post on the blog comments. You are also welcome to email me if you prefer.

    I am not sure I understand your question about purchasing extensions. If you wish, you can buy a subscription to gain access to some extensions to the plugin as described on the homepage.

    The plugin can be linked to the coin adapters that are provided, unless if you develop your own. You cannot use fiat at this time.

    Hope this answers your questions. Do let me know if you need anything else.

    kind regards


    in reply to: How to debug this ? #3190

    OK, here’s how to debug this:

    1. Enable WordPress debugging and add something like error_log( __FUNCTION__ ); in the function where you add your data to the filter. It could be that for some reason you have not hooked the code correctly and it is not running.

    2. When you say that you do not see it in the menu, are you referring to the frontend menu? The frontend menu only lists adapters that are connected. If you have set up the adapter description correctly but have not set the connection settings then it would appear in your admin screens under Wallets -> Adapters and there would be an error message next to the adapter. This will guide you as to why the adapter is not connecting.

    Do let me know what you find and if you get stuck.

    kind regards


    in reply to: Extension to show wallet balance? #3187


    The user’s balance is displayed by [wallets_balance] shortcode. To display the entire wallet balance of the site you would need to use PHP. First get a hold of the coin adapter with the adapters API and then call get_balance() on it.

    The plugin is not currently suitable for fundraisers but this is a good idea for the future. One idea would be to use the Tip the Author extension, create a post and then users will be able to tip the author of that post. You can control which posts can be tipped by filtering with categories or tags, so you can have one post per fundraiser if you like.

    Then users will be able to see a list of people who have donated to that post.

    Hope this helps.


    in reply to: How to debug this ? #3184

    Have you installed both the parent plugin and the multiadapter extension?


    in reply to: Eur deposit #3182

    The plugin does not interface with Bitstamp.

    Everything is possible with enough work, but the information you posted does not really help. And it does not address my point that the plugin should work with all coin adapters, not just one wallet or another.

    The way to support fiat would be as I described in my previous post, but it does not make sense at the moment since the trading platform is not yet released.

    Once the trading platform is released and is stable, there could be maybe a PayPal adapter or or an adapter that brings in any other fiat payments processor. That could work. But with my current work load I do not realistically see this happening in 2018 unless someone else does it.

    This is why I have explained in the FAQ that I will not support fiat. It is a common request, and I do not want people to erroneously expect that I will release a fiat adapter any time soon.

    Hope this answers your question.


    in reply to: ull Node Multi Coin Adapter extension #3176

    @Nova That’s great. If you have questions to ask, please open a new thread about this.

    kind regards


    in reply to: server side: Insufficient funds: #3175

    Hello Martin,

    In the faucet settings you should have selected an admin who holds the funds to be distributed.

    Have you selected an admin, and have you deposited NQD coins to that user? If the coins are simply in the wallet but not in the admin’s balance then they cannot be transferred. The best way to go about this is to deposit coins to that admin’s deposit address.

    Let me know please. Thanks.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Plugin shows wrong LTC wallet #3174

    Hello Arne,

    Yes this is correct. If you have never used any other coin adapters in that installation, then the address must have come from CoinPayments. If you have previously used another coin adapter for LTC, then you need to refresh the deposit addresses as described in the FAQ.

    kind regards

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