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  • in reply to: receive address not displayed #3290

    Hi can you please show me a screenshot?

    More importantly, are there any errors in your JavaScript console?



    in reply to: Ethereum Possible? #3287

    You will have to think about the problem of the accounting model vs the UTXO model.


    1. User A deposits 2 ETH.
    2. User B deposits 5 ETH.
    3. User A sends 1 ETH to user B. This transaction happens off-chain.
    4. Now user B should be able to withdraw 6 ETH.

    The way the big boys solve this (Bittrex, Polo, etc) is that whenever you do a deposit, they give you an address that they control, then they transfer the money to a big centralized address (e.g. https://etherscan.io/address/0xfbb1b73c4f0bda4f67dca266ce6ef42f520fbb98)

    This is why they won’t let you deposit less than a fixed amount of ETH or ERC20 tokens. It wouldn’t make economical sense.They probably pay for the transaction to the centralized address from their other profits, but I’m not sure.

    For a small scale site one solution would be to charge a fee on deposits. If that fee covers the transaction cost then you can have all the funds in one address ready to withdraw. The coin adapter would have to do the transfers behind the scenes.

    If you do end up implementing all of this please post a link to your adapter. I would love to link to it from this site.

    best of luck


    in reply to: Could not contact server. Status: error Error: #3284


    It sounds like reinstalling will not help you, although I’m not 100% sure.

    As you say, this is most probably an incompatibility with the theme.

    Keep me informed.

    P.S. Can I ask that you please open a new thread for this issue? It is unrelated to the original discussion. This is for the benefit of us and of people who read this forum later. Thank you!

    in reply to: Form does not display #3282

    I would need normal user permissions. Any user that should be able to see the UI will do. Assign all wallets capabilities besides manage_wallets to the user.


    in reply to: Moved: Capabilities issue #3280


    I have moved your post to a new thread as it is unrelated to the thread you posted it in.

    This sounds like a capabilities issue and is not related to the coin adapter. Can you go to WalletsCapabilities and check that the roles that your users have are granted the has_wallets capability? Additionally, some UIs need special capabilities so make sure to enable all the wallets capabilities to your user role or roles (Subscriber, Member, etc). Just make sure to keep the manage_wallets capability only for admins. The capabilities are also explained in detail in the documentation file.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Form does not display #3276

    From what you say it seems you have done everything correctly.

    I cannot think of anything else.

    I am willing to have a look at your site if you let me login. There must be an error somewhere, and I will probably be able to determine what it is if I have a look.

    The problem you describe with Opera sounds like an encoding issue: you could try disabling zlib compression from the frontend settings and see if it fixes that problem. But if the buttons do appear and are not clickable, there should be some JavaScript error that you might have missed. The normal behavior is that you click a button and the tip suggestion (coin selection and tip amount) get entered into the form. Then, the user can click on the “send” button. Are you certain that no JavaScript error occurs exactly at the time when you click on the button?

    Let me know if you want me to look at it.


    in reply to: Copy icon to deposit page #3270

    This is now implemented in version 3.5.0.

    Thank you for suggesting it.

    kind regards


    in reply to: Could not contact server. Status: error Error: #3261

    OK you say that the wallets work fine. That’s great.

    Sorry but I believe I misunderstood your issue.

    Can you please describe the following?

    • Where exactly does this error show?
    • After what action or in what condition does it show?
    • If possible, can you show me a screenshot?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Form does not display #3260

    The Author Payroll extension works but it is a bit hard to setup and use. The Tip the Author extension works fine for many people. I can’t think of anything else right now, but it should be something trivial.

    • You could try disabling all other plugins (besides wallets and tip the author) and see if the problem persists. You could also try with a different theme. If you discover an incompatibility, let me know, and I’ll see what I can do to fix it.
    • If you like I can login to your test page and have a look at what the problem might be.
    • Finally, there is a small chance that there might be an error that would show up in your WordPress logs. Instructions for enabling logging are here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Debugging_in_WordPress

    Let me know.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Form does not display #3257

    OK I assume you have checked that the “Post type filter” and “Category filters” match your post type and post category.

    Additionally, the tips UI does not show if:

    • the current user does not have the has_wallets capability
    • the current user is the same user as the author of the post (user cannot tip themselves)

    Let me know if this solves your problem.

    If not, you can email me some login credentials and I can have a look.

    kind regards


    in reply to: Could not contact server. Status: error Error: #3255



    1. Can you tell me what type of wallet you are trying to connect to? Which adapter are you using?

    2. You listed two JSON API URIs. Do these return an error HTTP status code? If they are just listed in your console but there is no error, then this is normal.

    Let me know please


    in reply to: Feature request #3254

    Thanks for your feedback.

    I am aware that multivendor support is something that some people want, but realistically I cannot visit this within 2018. There are simply too many other things to do.

    Once I do start work on this, there will not be an issue of losing the ability to pay with other currencies. WooCommerce always lets you mix-and-match various payment gateways.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Form does not display #3253


    1. Did you check for JavaScript errors in your console?

    2. Do you have any online adapters? There should be online adapters for the coins you have listed in the “tip suggestions” field.

    Let me know


    in reply to: Support for ETH tokens #3241


    It is not possible to integrate ERC20 tokens to this plugin. I have looked at this before since it is often requested. The accounting model of Ethereum does not easily lend itself to the architecture of the plugin, so you will only be able to use Ethereum via the CoinPayments adapter. Other than that, no ERC20, sorry!

    The plugin works best with UTXO tokens such as clones of Bitcoin, and there might also be an IOTA adapter soon(-ish).

    kind regards


    Hi Philipp,

    Yes I understand what you mean. Thank you.

    It is indeed not easy to setup a full node. If all you want is to easily set up a WooCommerce store there are better options out there. My hope for this family of plugins is to appeal mostly to developers who are trying to build something on top of the APIs, as well as have a solid basis on which to build an exchange plugin for WordPress. The cloud adapters and payment gateways were an afterthought to be honest.

    I do not perform custom development. However I will look at what you suggest when I find the time. At the moment my priority is to finish the Exchange extension.

    kind regards


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