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  • in reply to: Add public graph #3485

    Yes, this is possible. I will add it to the backlog.

    kind regards

    in reply to: E-Mail notifications #3484

    Yes, thank you. I will add your suggestion to the backlog.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Graph not scaling #3483

    Thanks Philipp,

    I will review the library’s license and if it is compatible I will look at the technical details.

    From a first look, the license does not appear to be compatible, so it is not a possible choice for this project.

    Any issues with the graph will be addressed much later.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Coin current rate #3482

    Yes that makes sense, simply copying and pasting code from the plugin into your page will not work.

    You will only see exchange rates when they are loaded. This is why the debug windows are provided. So you know if the exchange rate was loaded or not. The exchange rates might not be loaded immediately after selecting rates providers. They will be loaded on the next run as determined by the time interval you have set.

    You must also make sure that you have selected a currency to display. See the documentation under “Exchange Rates” for more.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Coin current rate #3472


    Looking at this again, I have already done all that is necessary for browser caching to be circumvented.

    The plugin should be pulling the minified version of the code that includes a version tag in the filename. i.e.:


    What you report indicates that your plugin does not find this file, and falls back to:


    Can you please confirm? Thanks.

    in reply to: Form does not display #3471

    The reason that the form now works is that after your modifications, the second knockout binding is not executed.

    Knockout does not support multiple data-bind attributes. Therefore your form is always shown even if there are no coins loaded.

    I am curious how you added widgets to the menu, normally they are only usable in the widget area, did you use a special plugin for this?

    To summarize: When you use the latest version of all plugins, with unmodified code, and with a standard theme, and with zlib compression disabled in the JSON API settings, the problem you are facing is that the form appears, but when you click on a tip suggestion, the form stays empty?

    Please verify the above. Thanks.


    Hello Phiten,

    Yes, this is expected behavior.

    Whether the box is validated or not is not in the control of the plugin.

    Chrome is no different, it also renders the CSS for failed validation from the start. But in Chrome the default styling for failed validation does not include a red gradient border, so you don’t see it.

    Again, this is normal. If you wish to change how inputs that fail validation are rendered, see the :invalid pseudo-selector. You should be able to use CSS in your child theme to change or hide it.

    Hope this helps.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Graph not scaling #3467


    I am aware of the fact that the graph does not look very good in all sizes.

    In the far future I would like to replace the graph library with something custom-made so I can have more control over it.

    Unfortunately there is not much I can do for the moment. The chart should work at sizes around 550×350 at least, and possibly at a range of sizes with similar aspect ratios.

    Hope this helps

    kind regards

    in reply to: Text really small #3466

    Hello phiten,

    I try to provide some CSS defaults that will sort-of work with most themes and most screens.

    If I change the CSS too much to cater for one individual another one will complain.

    Therefore the best course of action is for you to override the CSS yourself to your liking.

    I would recommend that you create a child theme for your theme, if you haven’t already, and add this into its style.css:

    .dashed-slug-wallets-exchange table {
    	font-size: normal;

    In the far future I would like to be able to add Customizer support for the UIs but this will not be soon.

    Hope this helps.

    kind regards

    in reply to: receive address not displayed #3465


    I will fix this on the next release. The change will require a schema upgrade and will allow up to 8 characters for symbols. This should be sufficient for any coin.

    Thank you very much for your membership. I do not require payment for the change. If you wish to donate to the project you are always welcome to do so.

    The standard donation addresses are:

    Bitcoin Address: 1DaShEDyeAwEc4snWq14hz5EBQXeHrVBxy
    DOGE Address: DASHEDj9RrTzQoJvP3WC48cFzUerKcYxHc
    LTC Address: LdaShEdER2UuhMPvv33ttDPu89mVgu4Arf

    Or you can donate SCOOBY to SMbCzz6R1k2aGTYanbLZfy5tCcz1DaZP9v if you wish.

    in reply to: Site Profit #3464

    Hello San,

    I do plan to provide some reporting capabilities as to what fees are paid. This will probably be somewhere in the admin dashboard.

    As users perform internal transactions, the total user balance does decrease (as shown in the adapters list), while the wallet balance remains the same, as expected.

    If you do not see this change, perhaps you have not set any internal transaction fees? If you are using the CoinPayments adapter, the internal fees are set to 0 by default, but you can set them to something else.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Ether on Coinpayments not showing user balances #3463

    Hello duanecato,

    Great news that you got deposits working.

    If you can replay the IPN messages then that should fix your problem. Go to your IPN history and see. Normally IPN messages are retried for a number of times and then fail, but you can select to retry them by clicking on a button.

    If not, then what you suggest would be another way to do it.

    Hope this helps.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Coin current rate #3462

    Hello San,

    Both of the problems you report are because your browser is using a cached version of the frontend JavaScript code, despite the anti-caching measures built into WordPress. I have a fix for this, and will roll it out on the next release.

    Thank you for reporting.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Fiat Value list view #3461

    Hello San,

    This is not possible at the moment, but I will make a note to add it in a future release.


    kind regards

    in reply to: Chart not displaying #3460

    @Bigblue: Hello,

    Yes I know that the chart is not ideal. Perhaps in the future I can replace it with a custom solution but for the moment there are simply too many other things to do.

    If you need a smaller QR Code, use CSS to restrict the size of the UI.

    If you face other issues, please open a new thread.

    kind regards

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