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KeymasterAn alternative to the above would be to simply add the following in your child theme’s
:add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function() { wp_add_inline_script( 'wallets-exchange', <<<JS jQuery('html').on( 'wallets_ready', function( event, coins, nonces ) { wp.wallets.viewModels.walletsExchangeChart.selectedTimeframe('1d'); } ); JS ); } );
characters must be the first characters on the line, because they close a heredoc string.alexg
KeymasterI forgot to mention, delete the minified JavaScript file
so that the plugin will fall back to the code you’ve edited.alexg
It is unfortunately not currently possible to change the defaults. (This will be easy in the upcoming release, since the JavaScript code attached to the views will be overridable.)
For now, you can go ahead and edit the file
on line 1260:self.selectedTimeframe = ko.observable( '30m' );
It’s safe to edit this file because I don’t expect to be releasing any more exchange versions before the wallets6 release.
The chart already uses the TradingView library.
with regards
According to my records, your membership was expired because the latest payment was more than one month ago. If you want to discuss this further, please contact me over email, I’ll be able to show you the details I have. If you believe there has been a mistake we can sort it out.
with regards
I would first look to see if there is an existing solution for this. If not, I’d develop one myself.
with regards
KeymasterGreat to hear that you fixed it!
KeymasterSounds great.
If I understand correctly, you want to create a coin adapter. Coin adapters conenct wallets to the plugin.
A coin adapter is a PHP object that notifies the plugin about incoming deposits in the wallet, and sends withdrawal requests to the wallet.
Unfortunately, the current coin adapters needed to be refactored. In the upcoming wallets6 release, they will be replaced with wallet adapters, a similar but different class. So, if you create a coin adapter now, it won’t work in wallets6 without modification. But the change was necessary, in order to decouple wallets from currencies, and to make it easier to declare adapter settings.
TL;DR You can look at the provided coin adapters to see how to implement a concrete subclass of
. It will require some, but not much, modification to work for wallets6, the upcoming major release. I can help you with this, ask me any questions.with regards
Glad you figured the issue out.
The admin’s user_id is not
, it should be1
by default.I think WordPress starts counting from 1 because in MySQL, the primary keys for users, posts, etc are defined as
columns, andAUTO_INCREMENT
columns start from1
.In fact, if you are certain that the user_id of the admin is 0, you may be facing bigger problems, caused by improperly exporting and reimporting a database via phpMyAdmin. I have blogged about it here. Are you able to create new posts? If not, you may be ecountering this issue.
Hope this helps.
KeymasterYes, the other coin adapters are for connecting to full node wallets. Don’t use the adapter, the CoinPayments adapter is better in every way. I have added a warning about this on the website. You can see the complete list of existing coin adapters.
Coin adapters will soon be retired in favor of wallet adapters: Since I started the plugin it has become apparent that currencies need to be decoupled from wallets. Therefore, with the upcoming release, new wallet adapters will replace the old coin adapters. See attached image to get an idea of what I’m building.
There will be wallet adapters for CoinPayments, Bitcoin-like wallets, Monero-like wallets, and TurtleCoin-like wallets. The fiat coin adapter will be merged into the parent plugin.
The code and documentation will be a lot better, so hopefully independent developers will choose to build wallet adapters for other types of wallets. I, for one, will focus my efforts on Ethereum and ERC-20, which should then be easily translatable to BSC chain and friends. The difficulty (and the reason I’m not currently using the Infura API as many have suggested) is that funds must be collected in one wallet, to allow for off-chain transactions.
Other plugins have connectivity with remote custodial services, or with non-custodial wallets. I plan to expand this plugin towards admins who are interested in a custodial solution, backed with their own full node wallet. But the CoinPayments platform will continue to be supported, as it has been a success and many people use it.
In wallets6 you will be able to define custom tokens via the WordPress admin screens, just like any other currency. Custom tokens will simply be currencies that are not connected to a wallet (i.e. no wallet adapter).
Hope this makes sense. Let me know if you have more questions about adapters. But please open a new thread if your new questions are not related to your original question about creating custom tokens.
with regards
You must be logged in to view attached files.alexg
KeymasterI’ve tried to add as many user requests into the upcoming release, prioritizing those that help with usability, and that are feasible on my part within a realistic time frame.
The release is delayed primarily due to the difficulties of managing gas fees on the CoinPayments platform. Just yesterday late at night I ran some successful live tests of my gas-distributing algo on the Ethereum blockchain. Now I just need to try to adapt this to BC Chain (BEP2) and BSC Chain (BEP20). I will have to leave Solana and Tron for a later time after the release, but at least the CoinPayments adapter is now able to be extended towards new blockchains with fees that require gas to deposit…
Thank you for your kind words on behalf of the entire dashed-slug team! :p
All cryptocurrency amounts on all blockchains are stored as integers to avoid rounding errors associated with floats. They are only converted to floats for displaying to the user. Doing this requires a knowledge of how the currencies are denominated (i.e. how many decimals are used). Bitcoin on layer 1 has 8 decimals, Monero has 12 decimals, Ethereum has 18, every coin can be different.
How are you hooking to the
filter? You should change the fields:amount pattern
to reflect the details of your coin.with regards
KeymasterOK I understand your point.
You could try and insert a fake “deposit” row for your admin user to the transactions table. For example, assuming your DB table prefix is
, and assuming you are not on multisite, you could do something like the following in your MySQL console:INSERT INTO wp_wallets_txs ( category, tags, account, address, txid, symbol, amount, created_time, updated_time, status ) VALUES ( 'deposit', 'foo bar', -- you can use any tags here to help you keep track of your deposits 1, -- assume this is your admin account's user_id '', -- address is not neeed UUID(), -- the txid value needs to be unique 'LETS', 100000, -- money printer goes brrr current_time(), current_time(), 'done' );
But that’s probably not the easiest way.
The easiest way would be to use the Airdrop extension. You can perform an airdrop of a fixed amount of any coin to a user role. If you are the only administrator and you do an airdrop on the administrators role, then your admin user will receive one “deposit”. You can then proceed to distribute these coins.
Install the Airdrop extension, then go to Tools → Airdrop to perform an immediate airdrop.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you face any problems doing this.
with regards
P.S. In the upcoming release I have addressed this, and it will be very easy to create/edit transactions in the local ledger via the admin screens. You’ll see!
Thanks for letting us know. These params can be confusing!
with regards
What string did you enter in the input box?
The accepted pattern is
. You can test your string against this pattern at: means that you are allowed to enter a name, followed by a comma and a ticker symbol, followed by more names and ticker symbols.
A name can have letters numbers and the underscore symbol. Same goes for the ticker.
So, if you want to introduce two coins, FooCoin and BarCoin, with tickers FOO and BAR respectively, you’d enter:
(In the upcoming wallets6 release it will be easy to create currencies via the admin editor, so this will become much easier.)
with regards
Thanks for sharing your plans. I’m not sure you’re using the word encryption correctly. I am not using any encryption in the plugins, as it’s not relevant. If you are referring to JSON-API calls, these are secured by TLS against eavesdropping, man-in-the-middle and replay attacks, but that’s got nothing to do with the plugin code.
I also didn’t understand whether you will make your work available to others or whether it’s for use in your site only. In any case, I wish you the best of luck with your project!
Giving coins is not related to coin adapters. To modify the ledger, use the
action as discussed above. This will let you transfer any type of coins from the admin account, whether they were introduced using the fiat adapter or not.with regards