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  • in reply to: User created fictitious coins #12024

    OK, now I understand your question.

    It is not possible for users to add a transaction manually via the plugin. I am not aware of any security vulnerabilities in the plugin that would allow this. If you find any, please let me know.

    WordPress is not very secure by default, because it’s a popular platform, and because of plugins of varying quality. You need to work hard to make it secure. Keep updates, only install a small set of reputable plugins, harden the security in other ways, etc.

    If a hacker has managed to gain admin access, they can manipulate the database freely. This is why, as I have already mentioned, you must save the access logs immediately after the breach, before they are tampered with. A security analyst can check the logs (web logs and database logs) to see when someone might have inserted a row and from which IP.

    As a precaution, because there is no such thing as a secure system, you must always keep a large percent of the user balances in cold storage. This way, in case of a breach, not all funds are stolen. Since even large exchanges with dedicated security teams get hacked routinely, you cannot expect your WordPress installation to be 100% secure. You must take additional precautions. I have added disclaimers about this in the plugin.

    If the hacker was not very smart and did not use a relay, then you can use the time and IP you get from the logs to go to the police. I am not an expert in how this works, but this is the general idea.

    Hope this helps. Best of luck.

    with regards

    in reply to: Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page. #12020


    This message is to be expected. The new plugin has different screens from the old one.

    1. Where did you find the links you mentioned? These links should work.

    2. What do you see when you navigate to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wallets_docs ? You should be able to see the documentation for all the installed extensions.

    3. Are you able to email me login details, so I can inspect the issue myself on your system?

    Thank you

    with regards

    in reply to: Exporting/importing and creating transactions #12018
      In versions before 6.0.0

    – If you want to export transactions in .csv form, you can go to the WalletsAdapters screen. Below each coin adapter, there is an option to export transactions for that coin to a .csv file. The .csv file can be later re-imported to the plugin. The addresses and transactions are stored in the SQL tables wp_wallets_txs and wp_wallets_adds.

    – You could also export the data yourself, using mysqldump or phpmyadmin. However, the account column corresponds to user_ids, and these must match the user_ids of the new system if you need to reimport them. When you use the built-in .csv exporter, the user_ids are replaced with emails, and the importer changes back the emails to the new user_ids of the new system.)

    – If you need to export all addresses and transactions for a GDPR data request, you can use the WordPress data exporter tool (ToolsExport Personal Data). Exporting a user’s data will include also the addresses and transactions. You can inspect the code for this here: https://github.com/dashed-slug/wallets/blob/5.0.18/includes/gdpr.php

    – With versions before 6.0.0, it is not really possible to add arbitrary transactions to the ledger. You would have to insert a transaction manually into the SQL tables.

    – Another way would be to use the Airdrop tool, but this is cumbersome, as the airdrop tool is not built to perform transactions to one person only.

      With version 6.0.0:

    – You can go to TransactionsAdd New. Select the user, select type = move, enter a status for your transaction e.g. Pending, select the currency and click Publish. Once the transaction is published, enter the amount, change the status to Done, and click on Update.

    – The data is now stored in posts, and therefore you should be able to export/import them using any tool that exports/imports WordPress posts. If you need the GDPR data exporter, it is still present. See: https://github.com/dashed-slug/wallets/blob/master/admin/gdpr.php

    – If you want to add a transaction to a user using PHP code, you can look at the examples here: https://wallets-phpdoc.dashed-slug.net/wallets/classes/DSWallets-Transaction.html

    Please let me know if you have any questions about this. What is your use case?

    in reply to: Cannot login to CoinPayments.net #12007


    This is not related to this plugin. You should talk with CoinPayments support about this.

    (Please note, if you are in Nigeria or another one of the restricted jurisdictions, you will not be able to use CoinPayments.)

    with regards

    in reply to: Cannot login to CoinPayments.net #11990


    1. Which version of the parent plugin are you using?
    2. Which version of the adapter are you using? (versions of the wallet adapter before 3.0.0 are for versions of the parent plugin before 6.0.0)
    3. What do you mean by “it does not allow me to enter”? What do you see on the screen?

    Let me know. Thank you.

    in reply to: Need help with Mycred integration! #11988


    Sorry but everything in this plugin is built specifically to use its own ledger, not MyCred. I have moved from using a ledger based on custom SQL tables to using CPTs as a ledger, and this has its advantages, but this change required 2 years of work and a complete rewrite of the plugin. What you are thinking of would be an extension to MyCred, which would be a different thing altogether. It’s out of the question for me to do this.

    Perhaps someone interested in building MyCred extensions can do this. Interfacing with the wallets is the easy part.

    with regards

    P.S. Apologies for the late reply. I wasn’t notifies about this thread. I will look into this.

    in reply to: Different API? #11984


    What coins you can add depend on the wallet adapters available. (coin adapters before wallets 6.0.0)

    If you are a PHP developer you can develop your own adapters. If not, then you can add coins that are forks of Bitcoin, Monero, or Turtlecoin at the moment. No ERC-20 or other tokens, besides what is available via the CoinPayments adapter.

    It is not possible to use exchanges such as Binance API as wallet backends for the plugin. This is because these APIs do not allow you to manage multiple deposit addresses, and this is needed to differentiate between deposits of different users.

    with regards

    P.S. Apologies for the late reply. I wasn’t notifies about this thread. I will look into this.

    in reply to: Using scripts on PHP – Laravel site #11983


    The scripts are for WordPress only.

    with regards

    P.S. Apologies for the late reply. I wasn’t notifies about this thread. I will look into this.

    in reply to: User created fictitious coins #11982


    This is very easy to do with wallets 6.0.0 from the admin interface. In previous versions of the plugin you had to insert rows to the database or perform an airdrop.

    with regards

    P.S. Apologies for the late reply. I wasn’t notifies about this thread. I will look into this.

    in reply to: Is version 6 in progress? :) #11763

    Hello, hope you are well!

    Thank you for asking about the development, it’s going well!

    I actually have recently completed all development, and documentation is also finished. I have focused on writing more clear PHP code and more clear and simple English text at the same time. Hopefully the plugin and its features will be more accessible and less obscure, thanks to the improved documentation. I haven’t yet started improving the website texts but I plan to do this next.

    I still have quite a few tickets in my backlog, but it’s all integration testing tickets. I’m trying to anticipate as many problems as possible before the release. I had high hopes of improving correctness with better unit test coverage. But I am quickly gaining more practical experience on this. Contrary to what they teach you in university, unit tests are not all that useful, at least compared to integration tests. If you know how to code defensively, defects are rarely due to errors in the system, usually defects arise at the interface between systems (WordPress API, other plugins, themes, web browser, web server limitations, database peculiarities, etc).

    After every major software release, there’s an avalanche of defects that will surface, once more people test on different environments with other themes and plugins. I am trying to mitigate that effort and make the transition smooth for all of us, by formulating a rational release plan.

    So for now, I continue testing and preparing the necessary website changes for a few more weeks, then I’ll upload an RC1 version on the dashed-slug website. Then people can test again, likely leading to more Release Candidates. When a release candidate looks stable enough, I’ll upload it to wordpress.org and focus on the complaints that users will inevitably have.

    Once support requests die down (sometime in the summer, hopefully right in the middle of the bear market), I will focus on more improvements and will resume advertising and promotion campaigns.

    I know I said earlier that I would put my focus on ERC-20, and it might still make sense to do so. My gut feeling is that Eth2 will come out and scale and will displace all the “ethereum killers”. But with the recent Luna fiasco and upcoming regulation, interest in tokens will inevitably deflate somewhat. I believe Bitcoin emerges again as the king of crypto, and maybe I should focus first on interconnection with the Lightning Network before anything else.

    On the app side, I have ideas about a paywall extension. This would be similar to the *Tip the Author* extension: it would let you see a page or article only after you pay for it. It should be a simple extension to develop, but with many commercial applications.

    I realize that this transition has taken way too long, much longer than expected, and that I have become less responsive to feature requests. But as I work on this project, I am evolving my thinking in terms of what a business is, how to provide a good quality product, and the economics of it all. I’m now trying to take things slow and focus on quality and correctness. Let’s see how it goes.

    I know some of you are anxious to see wallets6, I have hyped it a lot lately, because I am excited with it as well.

    As always, it will be ready “soon”™ 🙂

    with regards

    in reply to: Tables in Mobile view #11683

    Thank you @Plug for sharing your success with YellowPencil. I have never tried it but it looks cool.

    @timah1993, if you decide to write CSS directly, instead of using a styling tool, just be mindful of rule specificity. If you are trying to do something specific with CSS, perhaps I can help with the rules.

    in reply to: Tables in Mobile view #11679


    Sorry about this. The UIs are not meant to be used on mobile, since I am not a mobile developer! The UIs simply output some markup and you, the web developer, can style them any way you want. The UIs have all the classes you need to apply CSS easily.

    The way I see it there are two ways to approach this problem:

    1. One is to reduce the font size and reduce the padding size, hoping that all the information will fit on the screen. The easiest way to control the text and padding sizes is via the Customizer, but you can also use CSS for this.

    2. The other way would be to display the balances first, then display the available balances in another UI. You can do this by using the shortcode twice, consecutively: First hide one column in the first UI, then hide the other column in the second UI.

    Here’s how you would hide the available balance from one UI and the total balance from the other UI:

    .dashed-slug-wallets.balance.balance-list:nth-child(odd) table .available_balance {
    	display: none;
    .dashed-slug-wallets.balance.balance-list:nth-child(even) table .balance {
    	display: none;

    You can always add your CSS rules in: “Customizer” -> “Additional CSS”.

    Of course, the UIs are overridable, in case you want to provide your own markup. The documentation discusses this in the section: “Frontend” -> “Template modifications” -> “Modifying markup”.

    Hope this helps.

    with regards

    in reply to: Default timeframe for exchange chart #11678

    No, this is what the chart looks like.

    in reply to: Some capabilities not listed in settings #11663


    The matrix shows the editable roles. Normally for an admin this should be all the roles.

    Are you logged in with a user that does not have the edit_users capability?


    Hello @timah1993,

    There’s quite a bit of JavaScript bound to these buttons (wp-contents/plugins/wallets-exchange/assets/scripts/wallets-exchange-admin.js. If the code didn’t load, or if it caused a plugin conflict, like @plug suggested, this should be visible in the browser’s developer tools.

    Please open the JavaScript console (F12), go to the console tab, and refresh the page. There should be several warnings, but are there any errors? Can you show me the errors if any?

    with regards

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