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Question about BTC withdraw fees

dashed-slug.net Forums CoinPayments.net Wallet Adapter extension support Question about BTC withdraw fees

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  • #6573

    Hi, when withdrawing, there is a fixed 40,000 satoshi fee. Coinpayments is showing a 30,000 fee now,
    Is that fee hard-coded or coming from their API?



    The value you have, 40k, originally came from the API at an earlier date.

    If you are using the latest version of the adapter, 1.1.0, then it is easy to go and change the withdrawal fee at “Wallets” -> “CoinPayments” -> “Coin Settings & Fees” -> BTC.

    The plugin will let you set the fixed part of the withdrawal fee to 30k satoshis, but not lower, since this is currently the withdrawal fee in CoinPayments.

    Hope this helps

    with regards


    Thanks I have changed that, but sorry to say I am bit dense when it comes to the mysteries of how these guys do their fees. I looked at the other coins, in the coinpayments help section about fees, but it just say “Tx Fee” nothing about how much. Elsewhere I find it is (maybe) 0.5%. There doesn’t seem to be any way to set withdrawal fee accurately.

    If I set them all to zero and then the proportional one to 0.5% will it automatically stop transactions that are too low?
    All I want to do is charge users the same as what coinpayments will charge.




    apologies if the UI is not very organized, it was built incrementally without much planning 🙁

    If you set the fixed fee to zero, then it will be reset to the minimum allowed, which is 30k satoshi. This is because transactions would not be able to go through if the withdrawal fee is not covered.

    As a starting point, set the fixed withdrawal fee to 30k satoshi, and the fixed fee to zero.

    Once you can confirm that this works, you can then increase the values if you wish.

    Do let me know if you continue to experience problems.

    with regards


    Ok thanks. I set the withdraw fees to zero so they are up to date now. I think it’s all up to date now. I set all the other fees to zero. I imagine if ever anything happens that would put it above the minimum fee, coinpayments will let me know!


    Glad to hear you set the minimum withdrawal to the correct value.

    The minima are updated if they are outside of the allowed range, every time you clear the HTTP Cache, in “Wallets” -> “CoinPayments” -> “HTTP Settings” -> “Clear HTTP Cache”, or once per hour automatically.


    may i ask?

    this 40k satoshi withdrawal fee is owned by whom?
    coinpayment or mywebsite?… am a little bit confuse here

    and another question… my users encounter deposit fee… why is that ?
    is that the way the API is set?.. a fee is been charged after a user deposited into my platform


    Hello @zhak,

    If you set the BTC withdrawal fee on the CoinPayments adapter to 40k then this is the fee paid to CoinPayments. This goes to pay the blockchain transaction and a portion is retained by CoinPayments for providing the wallet hosting service. If you were to set the fees to a higher amount, then the rest would remain with your site’s hot wallet. For example, if you set the fees to 50k, then 10k satoshis remain on your site’s hot wallet.

    The deposit fee is 0.5%, as imposed by the platform. For more information please see: https://www.coinpayments.net/supported-coins

    The CoinPayments platform is provided as a convenience. If you really care about controlling the fees you can set up a full node. However, you would also need to consider the cost of running – and maintaining – a full node wallet into your business plan.

    Hope this helps.

    with regards

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