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IPN Not Being Recieved

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion IPN Not Being Recieved

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  • #4902

    ipn_version = ‘1.0’
    ipn_id = ‘…………..’
    ipn_mode = ‘hmac’
    merchant = ‘…………………….’
    ipn_type = ‘deposit’
    address = ‘QPWZpSxa84PeBaBDbmyDomQbTKsTw68VkE’
    txn_id = ’01d832dc8789df79e1e9dd73c128791e636337613ba89e97c08135fbaa4869b6′
    status = ‘100’
    status_text = ‘Deposit confirmed’
    currency = ‘LTCT’
    amount = ‘19.78976372’
    amounti = ‘1978976372’
    fee = ‘0.09894882’
    feei = ‘9894882’
    confirms = ‘0’

    Deposits go to coinpayments wallet,But They don’t show up in user balances.First Install they did work for about a week,Now Nothing.Reinstalled Wp Fresh install thinking This may Help.Before This,I did Dump the DB tables.No Wordfence,or Firewall.Currently Installed on a New db,still receiving the same errors.Any Suggestions?


    I have a issue with the coins not showing up in user balances.

    ipn_version = ‘1.0’
    ipn_id = ‘……………’
    ipn_mode = ‘hmac’
    merchant = ‘……………’
    ipn_type = ‘deposit’
    address = ‘QPWZpSxa84PeBaBDbmyDomQbTKsTw68VkE’
    txn_id = ’66f513473993d429ddf8199e20db4906cc14a10657d7b0f9c24ac3e85beee182′
    status = ‘100’
    status_text = ‘Deposit confirmed’
    currency = ‘LTCT’
    amount = ‘19.59036583’
    amounti = ‘1959036583’
    fee = ‘0.09795183’
    feei = ‘9795183’
    confirms = ‘0’


    Update,Problem solved TEMP. Disabled https,exception for messages”IPN” added for IP address Disabled adapter,dropped the db tables and reinstalled the wallet.New API Key made. Up and Running again!



    Thank you for the additional info. Glad you got it working.

    You should NOT disable SSL/TLS on your server. Also, don’t forget to enable your firewall.

    I am curious, where did you add an exception for address

    thank you


    No Problem,Ssl Re enabled on site & Deposit’s are working great still. Everyone’s setup is different but id check the SMTP settings of your network modem as a first step!Hope this helps!


    Thanks for your feedback.

    I was curious what you did, because it might be something that could be added in the troubleshooting instructions, in the plugin’s manual. However I am not sure how the SMTP (SendMail Transfer Protocol) settings are relevant to IPNs.

    If you are running the plugin in your local network, instead of a public-facing server, then you can indeed configure your modem/router to forward incoming IPNs to your local machine. However, the settings section of your router that would be relevant would be the NAT (Network Address Translation) settings, or port forwarding settings. These can go by other names; for example in Thomson routers, look under “Games and Applications Sharing”.

    with regards


    Thanks,Yes you are correct as far as Local hosting goes!The Plugin is running Live on the web in my case BitNija is being used.
    This was Responsible for the block!


    Thank you for your feedback. When IPN messages are not received it is always due to some firewall or other security measure.

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