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[ERROR] Coin Icons on Market Table

dashed-slug.net Forums Exchange extension support [ERROR] Coin Icons on Market Table

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #5921

    After updating the main plugin, the exchange market table shows no icons.

    Attached for reference.

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    Could you please tell me the following:

    1. Could it be that your coin adapters are not online? Only icons for online adapters are shown.

    2. Are your coins hosted on CoinPayments? It could be that the icons are not loaded due to a browser cross-origin policy. If so, I will have to fix this on the coin adapter somehow.



    Hello again,

    Today I released version 1.0.8 of the CoinPayments adapter. This new version caches coin logos on your site’s upload directory and subsequently serves them from there.

    This should resolve the problem you encountered with the Exchange extension, but please let me know if it did not.

    with regards


    Hello Alex,

    I updated to 1.0.8 and I dont know if the style change is due to the cp adapder update or to parent. Please see the atteached screenshots.blckio is also enabled.

    Also I cant see the Load icon, why?

    How can I recover the previous style? I want just to update the fixes added to both parent and the adapter

    Thank you

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    @bigblue It looks like your theme is somehow interfering with the CSS for the coin logos.

    With the latest update 1.0.7 to the CoinPayments adapter, it is possible that your logos are now shown, while before they may not have been available.

    With the latest update 4.0.6 to Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets, I added a very simple rule to the CSS:


    You could try this:

    1. Delete the file wallets-4.0.6.min.css. This will force the plugin to fall back to the unminified CSS, wallets.css.
    2. Then edit the file wallets.css and remove the latest change, i.e. .dashed-slug-wallets .icon img { width: 100%; }
    3. See if this makes a difference, after clearing your browser’s cache.

    It is also possible that some other rule is needed. If you like I can login to your site as a user with the has_wallets capability, and investigate. Since this is an issue that is probably specific to your theme, I cannot investigate without logging in.

    Ultimately I would like to implement Customizer integration. This is something I have been postponing for months now, since it is not critical to the plugin’s operation. But I believe the time has come to address the issue of styling once and for all with a more formal approach, so Customizer support will be included in one of the next releases. It will be possible to control the icon size among other things.

    Let me know in an email if you want me to login and look at your theme more closely.

    with regards


    Thanks Alex for your reply.

    Finally I think it was due to some cache issue, I cleared everything again, and now it works as expected.

    Just about the v 1.08 of coinpymnts, do you mean the only change is for the loaded images? the url dir for images is dinamyc? just asking because I cant find the changelog

    As for Customizer, yes, in my opinion I think it would be a good add. Anyway, from my vision and opinion, it’s not that urgent like other fixes like fees in woocmrc adptr for vndrs gtway, or a responsive graph for the exchng…

    Thank you

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