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  • #5375


    For vndr paymnts, it would be gret to add the option where the admin can offer a selection of coins (currently only one choice) to vndrs for the paymnts. From frontnd the vndrs could select the coin which they want to be payd with. What do you think? it would be great I think

    Thank you



    Yes, this is something that I would like to implement in the future.

    Ideally the admin should be able to select cryptocurrencies that are available for payment and the vendor should be able to choose one of those, if there is enough balance.

    Thank you.

    with regards


    That would be a great thing! Of course I does not want to interfere with the backlog priorities, but I think this is something verry important.

    Thank you verry much Alex, I look forward to this.

    Best regards


    Hi Alex,

    The same as my precedent post, sorry if bodering you with askign about etas. did you had any time to start with this add?

    Thank you

    Best regards


    Please see my other reply.


    In the latest version 2.1.0 of the WooCommerce Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway it is now possible for an admin to select which coins can be accepted as payment. This also affects WC Marketplace payments. I have not yet added the possibility for vendors to further filter down the list of accepted coins.


    Continuation regarding my last reply.

    5. As vendr user I tryed to make a withdrawal with no success, when clicking “requst wthdrwl” nothing happens. Returned to 2.0.1 version and it works.

    I did not understand what do you mean this affects also wpmc paymnts.

    Alex, the next probable version of wpmc 3.4 introduces great changes, allowing order split and partial refunds directly from vendrs. In version 3.3.7 they offer the dev version on github in order to check the extension and test it. Please Alex, could you have a look? the changes will be great, allowing an improvement in automating processes and management directly from vndrs (not depending on admin). It would be a great compatibility advancement with this extension.

    About the possibility for vendors, it’s more about withdrawals. Admin should offer a selection of s¡coins/customcoins for vendros to be payd with. Currently offering only one coin it is OK, but a bit limiting. Imagine if admin could offer a fiat and crpto options for vndrs… no more need for additional modules, and consequently a better workflow for admins. Please Alex, it would be great adding this.

    Thanks in advance,

    Best regards


    Thanks, I am taking a note of this.


    Hi Alex,

    Just tested the version 2.1.1, and the issues are still the same, maybe you uploaded a wrong file?

    Thank you



    Apologies for the long delay, it turned out that there were a number of issues with the gateway. Hopefully I have addressed all of them now, but please let me know if you spot any other issues.

    Please see the release notes for version 2.2.0 of the payment gateway: https://www.dashed-slug.net/wcmp-bug-fixes-version-2-2-0/

    I have found it is simpler for admins to pay commissions in the same currency as that the user has paid in. This eliminates any need for conversion, which can be done manually by the vendors.

    Withdrawals are now fixed and are described in the FAQ section.

    with regards


    Thank you Alex.

    I have some questionss about this new approach:

    1. So if an user pays in LTCC for example, when the vendr asks for withdrwal, he receives it in LTCC?

    2. If many orders in different coins, he will receive payouts in each coin?

    3. What if the coin has fluctuated in price, lets say 10%, the vendr will receive his payout at the exgange rate at the moment of the users order, or at spot rate (in this casetaking into account 10% change)?

    Thank you



    1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. At the time when the vendor withdraws a commission, the commission amount is calculated at that time, taking into account the market rate at the time of the withdrawal, not the time of user checkout. In other words, the actual value transacted matches the fiat value paid by the customer in crypto. A vendor then does not have any incentive to wait for the “best” time to withdraw, by observing any fluctuations in the value of the cryptocurrency.

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