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Reply To: I’m getting ready to replace my hacked up monero adapter with yours

dashed-slug.net Forums TurtleCoin Adapter extension support I’m getting ready to replace my hacked up monero adapter with yours Reply To: I’m getting ready to replace my hacked up monero adapter with yours



That’s great news!

To understand the differences between the “Hot Wallet Balance”, “User Balances”, and “Unavailable Balance”, see the Glossary chapter in the documentation.

In short, the “Hot Wallet Balance” is the result of the /balance call to the wallet-api. The “User Balance” is the sum of transactions for any one user.

To find out why your balance is negative, inspect your user’s transactions.

The adapter is supposed to scan the wallet on each cron job, with increasing block heights to conserve bandwidth. The first time it retrieves most of the transactions, and on subsequent runs it scans the remaining blocks that have not yet been scanned. This is expected behavior. If you want to see the logic behind this, it’s at the function cron_discover_deposits().

with regards