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Reply To: I’m getting ready to replace my hacked up monero adapter with yours

dashed-slug.net Forums TurtleCoin Adapter extension support I’m getting ready to replace my hacked up monero adapter with yours Reply To: I’m getting ready to replace my hacked up monero adapter with yours



Not sure why this happens. Are the logs you show me from wallet-api? According to the documentation, wallet-api does not return error 404 for the /status endpoint. Could it be that you’re connecting to the blockchain daemon rather than the wallet-api?

Additionally, the secret would get deleted after a while, if you haven’t set “Wallets” -> “Cron job” -> “Withdrawal Locks” -> “Time to retain withdrawal secrets” to 0.

I’d recommend that you try with a new wallet and follow the installation instructions again. If this works, then we can look into replacing the wallet with your existing one.

with regards