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Reply To: Cannot get satellizer token for ShapeShift extension from browser console

dashed-slug.net Forums ShapeShift Exchange extension support Cannot get satellizer token for ShapeShift extension from browser console Reply To: Cannot get satellizer token for ShapeShift extension from browser console



The “filter” field is not for entering JavaScript expressions.

For background reading on how to use the console, you can also look at this: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-the-javascript-developer-console DigitalOcean always has the best introductory guides.

Here’s a more clear instruction list:

1. Login to ShapeShift.

2. Open the browser console using F12.

3. Go to the “Console tab”. This is the JavaScript console. There will be a number of warnings, as seen in the screenshots above.

4. Below the last warning, click on the empty line beginning with a “>”.

5. In that area, paste the string localStorage.getItem('satellizer_token');. You will get back a string which is your satellizer token.

Hope this helps.

with regards