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Reply To: Distinguishing between fiat/crypto coins in the frontend UI

dashed-slug.net Forums Exchange extension support Distinguishing between fiat/crypto coins in the frontend UI Reply To: Distinguishing between fiat/crypto coins in the frontend UI



Here’s some CSS you could use for your use case. This utilizes the new classes crypto-coin and fiat-coin: Known crypto coins have the class crypto-coin, known fiat coins (with respect to fixer.io data) have the class fiat-coin and other coins, such as custom coins don’t have these classes.

To hide the deposit QR code for coins that are not known to be crypto coins:

.dashed-slug-wallets.deposit .qrcode { display:none;}
.dashed-slug-wallets.deposit.crypto-coin .qrcode { display:inherit;}

And to hide the withdraw information for coins that are not known to be crypto coins:

.dashed-slug-wallets.withdraw tr:not(:first-child) { display:none;}
.dashed-slug-wallets.withdraw.crypto-coin tr { display:table-row;}

You could add these to your customizer. Hope this helps.

with regards