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Reply To: Issue when full node monero install + integrate

dashed-slug.net Forums Monero Wallet Adapter extension support Issue when full node monero install + integrate Reply To: Issue when full node monero install + integrate


It looks like you haven’t managed to create a wallet yet (step 3), so there’s no point in attempting any more steps. Focus on completing each step before continuing to the next.

In this case, you’re running the daemon, but monero-wallet-cli cannot connect to the daemon to create a new wallet. Find out why this is so. Here’s some thoughts:

Are you sure the daemon is still running? It should be listening on 18081 by default. Ideally you should set up a service to make sure it’s always running. You can check if the daemon port is open with nc -zv 18081

Is the daemon running on the same server as the machine where you’re running monero-wallet-cli? If not, use monero-wallet-cli with --daemon-address to specify a different IP/port pair, but in that case you’d need to check your firewalls too.

Some times there are more than one processes running, and only the first one can get a hold of a TCP listen port. If necessary, reboot your server to make sure that you don’t run any duplicate processes.

In summary, it’s clear that monero-wallet-cli is looking for the daemon at and port 18081 and it’s not finding it. Check with netcat (nc) as shown above, to make sure the local port is open.

Hope this helps. Let me know what you found.

with regards