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Reply To: Claim not working

dashed-slug.net Forums Faucet extension support Claim not working Reply To: Claim not working


OK, this is great news. It confirms that the issue had to do with CloudFlare. Thank you for keeping me updated and for your help in debugging this issue.

I believe that a change in the get_remote_ip function can solve this problem, and then you can re-enable CloudFlare. This is because the captcha services want to know the CloudFlare IP, not the actual server IP. This function was built for detecting the actual server IP.

In any case, I will release an update either today or tomorrow, and will notify you again here.

Also, keep the faucet page excluded from caching. It is a dynamic page and should not be cached. This is also true for the JSON API, so also exclude any requests with the __wallets_action GET parameter.

with regards