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Reply To: Pay by Fiat wallet on checkout page

dashed-slug.net Forums Fiat Coin Adapter extension support Pay by Fiat wallet on checkout page Reply To: Pay by Fiat wallet on checkout page



For a currency to appear in the checkout page, all of the following must be true:

1. The adapter status for this currency must be shown as “responding”. This is found in Wallets -> Adapters.

2. The currency must be selected in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payments -> “Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets” -> “Accepted coins” (or, alternatively, no coins in the list must be selected).

3. The exchange rate between the shop’s currency and the coin must be available:

The shop’s currency is in WooCommerce -> Settings -> General -> “Currency options” -> Currency. In your case this is EUR. So, go to Wallets -> Exchange Rates -> “Exchange rates debug views” -> “Exchange Rates” and check to see if the EUR_USD or USD_EUR exchange rate is found there.

4. The user must have enough balance in that currency to pay for the current cart contents. If the user does not have enough balance in this currency, the option for this currency is not shown.

Please check all of the above and let me know if you still can’t figure it out.

with regards