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Reply To: Is possible change Exchange market template ?

dashed-slug.net Forums Exchange extension support Is possible change Exchange market template ? Reply To: Is possible change Exchange market template ?



1. The easiest way to hide the columns you don’t need is to use the provided HTML classes to hide these columns via CSS. For example:

.dashed-slug-wallets-exchange.market.static .min_ask { display: none; }
.dashed-slug-wallets-exchange.market.static .max_bid { display: none; }

Do this for any columns you want to hide. You can see the classes in your browser’s inspector. These are: coin_icon, market_name, last_price, min_ask, ask_volume, ask_volume_base, max_bid, bid_volume, bid_volume_base, trade_volume_quote_24, trade_volume_base_24, percent_change_24, market_button.

2. If you only leave three columns, the horizontal scrollbar will probably disappear on its own. To force it to not show, you can use:

.dashed-slug-wallets-exchange.market.static table {
	overflow-x: hidden;

3. To make the font size, larger, you could do this:

.dashed-slug-wallets-exchange.market.static table {
	font-size: larger;

Try values such as large, larger, etc, or you can specify the size in terms of pt, px, etc. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size

Do not add any CSS to the plugin’s code, because A) the CSS code is minified, and B) any changes get overwritten at any plugin update. Instead, you have a few options:

1. Add your CSS code in the Customizer. This is the easiest way.

2. You can create a child theme to your theme and add the CSS code there. If you already have a child theme to your theme, this is also very easy and a good way to add CSS.

Hope this helps.

with regards