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Reply To: kses after update of

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion kses after update of Reply To: kses after update of



Thank you very much for reporting this and for providing detailed information on the problem.

I can confirm that this error occurs, and I am able to reproduce it on my machine.

This issue will not prevent you from updating to the latest version of the CoinPayments adapter, it only prevents you from seeing the changelog before updating. The changelog is also found in the plugin’s zip file, in CHANGELOG.html. I am posting here the latest entry in case you wish to review it:


  • Add: It is now possible to edit fee settings per individual coin.
  • Add: It is now possible to edit the minimum withdrawal amount for each individual coin.
  • Add: The minimum withdrawal amount is initialized to the amount enforced by the platform.
  • Add: The fixed withdrawal fees for each coin are initialized to the fees incurred by the platform.
  • Add: If the admin enters a withdrawal fee or minimum withdrawal amount less than that allowed by the platform, the value from the platform is used instead.
  • Fix: Do not show admin warnings to users who do not have manage_wallets.

I will investigate further this issue on my end and will report here any findings.

with regards