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Reply To: cronjob link – 502 gateway error

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion cronjob link – 502 gateway error Reply To: cronjob link – 502 gateway error


so i just tested and started by clicking the cron link

1.) it just was spinning and spinning

2.) i went to vps and exited wallet and boom {"result":"success"} on that page

3.) but no updates to my wallet

4.) then go open wallet again on vps

5.) unlock wallet in my admin area and check it at the adapter page that it is responding and unlocked, it shows 2 pending withdrawals

6.) then i go and hit cron link again and the 2 pending withdrawals i see at the adapter page, come into wallet on vps but still just sits and spins and times out

i have to do this over and over to get these to go thru