I reply to all queries on the forums and via email, once per day, Monday to Friday (not weekends).

If you are new here, please see some information on how to ask for support. Thank you!

Reply To: version 4.3.0

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion version 4.3.0 Reply To: version 4.3.0


That’s ok, thanks! 🙂 As for updating to the latest version, the issue is fixed now. Thank you for reporting it!

After communicating with a representative from wordpress.org I found out that the problem was caused by too many svn tags on the repository.

I followed the official recommendation about deleting old versions. I have now retained only the latest patch release from each major version, plus all the recent minor and patch releases after 4.0.0.

If anyone needs to download the other releases of the plugin for historical reasons, they are always available in the download section and on github.

with regards