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Reply To: airdrop error

dashed-slug.net Forums Airdrop extension support airdrop error Reply To: airdrop error



This is expected behavior. In the settings you specify how much each user will receive.

To revert an airdrop is easy. Every airdrop is assigned a unique tag. You can do this:

1. Backup your database.

2. Log on to your MySQL console (or phpmyadmin)

3. Find your transactions table. Normally it is wp_wallets_txs if you have the standard wp_ DB table prefix.

4. Figure out a row that corresponds to your airdrop. It will be a recent row with category='deposit' and tags “airdrop” and something like “ad-5af46085d815d”. This is the unique id assigned to your airdrop.

5. To delete the airdrop given as an example above, do this:

DELETE FROM wp_wallets_txs WHERE tags LIKE '%ad-5af46085d815d%';

That’s it.