
- Users can use the Tipping UI to:
- Use their wallet balance to tip Authors directly to their wallet.
- Select from an admin’s predetermined list of tip suggestions.
- Enter a different tip (any currency and amount).
- Attach a public comment to the tip.
- view the past tips on a post
- paginated
- send tips to Answers of Questions in the DW Question & Answer plugin.
- send tips to forum replies in the bbPress plugin.
- Admins can
- control
- which users
- can send tips.
- can receive tips.
- which posts show the Tipping UI, based on
- Post Type.
- Category.
- how past tips are paginated.
- where the UI is displayed
- using the admin UI.
- using a shortcode.
- using PHP.
- which users
- review tips.
- edit or cancel tips.
- control
- Developers can build apps that
- use the WP-REST API to:
- list past tips on an article.
- create a tip, after authenticating as a valid user.
- use the WP-REST API to:
- If you are migrating from Tip the Author 2.x.x, see Migrating from 5.x.
- If you are performing a new installation, continue reading here:
Install the app extension
TIP: You should first install and configure the parent plugin, Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets.
1 Log in to dashed-slug.net using your premium account.
2 Go to http://www.dashed-slug.net/bitcoin-altcoin-wallets-wordpress-plugin/tip-the-author-extension
3 Download the latest version of this app extension.
4 Login to your WordPress installation as an admin.
5 Go to Plugins.
6 Click on Add New.
7 Click on Upload Plugin.
8 Click on Choose file.
9 Select the zip file that you downloaded.
10 Click on Activate plugin.
11 Go to Settings → Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets → Capabilities → General Capabilities.
12 Assign the tip_the_author
capability to users who should be able to send tips. Users without this capability will not see the tipping UI in the frontend.
13 Assign the receive_tip
capability to authors who should be able to accept tips. Posts written by authors without this capability will not display the tipping UI in the frontend.
14 Go to Settings → Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets → Tip the Author.
15 Select whether you want the tipping UI to appear before posts (Header) or after (Footer).
16 Select the post types that you want to have a tipping UI. Use Ctrl
+ Click to select/deselect. If you want the tipping UI to appear on posts of all types, do not select anything.
17 Optionally add a few tipping suggestions. These are suggested amounts on various currencies, that the user can easily tip. They appear as buttons that the user can easily click. The user can still tip any amount on any currency available on the system if they wish to.
18 Select whether you want integration with the DW Question & Answer plugin.
19 The tipping UI shows past tips paid on a post. Decide how these should be sorted and paginated.
20 The tipping UI can expand/collapse. Decide on whether you want the UI to open on page load.
21 Click Save Changes.
22 Create or edit a post, and see how it looks on the frontend.
23 Optionally, you may now use the [wallets_tips_show_ui]
shortcode to display the UI in a particular position in a post.
24 Theme developers can use the wallets_tips
WordPress action to invoke the UI in post templates. Just add the following PHP code in a post template: do_action( "wallets_tips" );
25 Always test performing a Tip as a regular user, before you go live!
That’s it, your system is now configured to process tips from article readers to authors.
Migrating from 2.x.x
Versions 2.0.0
and later of this app extension require Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets version 6.0.0
or later.
There are no special considerations when migrating this app extension to this major version.
Existing tipping transactions will be migrated by the parent plugin. Tipping functionality will be unavailable until migration finishes.
The frontend UI templates have been re-engineered to match those of the parent plugin: Templates now encapsulate, in one file each, all their HTML markup, knockout.js bindings, CSS style rules, and JavaScript behavior.
NOTE: If you have previously created a theme or child theme overriding the plugin’s templates, these will no longer work. Delete your custom templates from your active themes, so that the plugin can fall back to the new templates.
This is a premium plugin available to paying members only.documentation
As of Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets version 6.0.0
, the documentation can be accessed from the WordPress admin screens. Look for Wallets Admin Docs in the Admin menu.
Note that the documentation is only shown to administrators (users with the manage_wallets
Previous versions of the plugin and its extensions had documentation in the form of an accompanying PDF file. This has now been replaced with markdown files placed in the source code directories of each component.
Please use the appropriate support forum:
- For all issues and inquiries regarding the parent plugin, Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets, you can use the support forum on WordPress.org. You may also use the General discussion forum on dashed-slug.net.
- The support forum for this extension is here.
You are welcome to send in any problems, questions, suggestions, thoughts, etc.
For all other communication, such as questions and issues regarding membership, you can email me.