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Reply To: Minimum confirmation adapter setting, and wallet rescan

dashed-slug.net Forums Monero Wallet Adapter extension support Minimum confirmation adapter setting, and wallet rescan Reply To: Minimum confirmation adapter setting, and wallet rescan


The withdraw is to a different wallet. Not user-user internal transaction. I’m using latest 17.1.9

additional testing:

Setting retry attempts to 1 – transaction is successful. However adapter sends error: Your withdrawal request has FAILED permanently. (Also tried retry attempts on 2 and 3.)

Last error message: Could not execute withdrawal: Could not communicate with Monero wallet. Error 28: Operation timed out after 29999 milliseconds with 0 bytes received.

However, the transaction builds and sends through the RPC no problem.

The main issue here: the user balance does not reflect the withdraw, but the funds are sent from the wallet.

I don’t know if this is on XMR side or Adapter side. I’m using latest 17.1.9