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Reply To: Missing balances after uploading a backup file from aug 13th

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Missing balances after uploading a backup file from aug 13th Reply To: Missing balances after uploading a backup file from aug 13th



This is expected behavior. The plugin’s DB is a ledger that reflects transactions that the wallet knows about. These transactions are associated with WordPress users, and they include deposits, withdrawals, and any internal (off-chain) transactions.

Since you restored the entire DB from a backup, any transactions since that time will be lost. The plugin cannot simply “restore” transactions from your wallet, because the wallet doesn’t know about association between any transactions and actual WordPress users, and the wallet does not know anything about off-chain transactions.

Plugin transactions are stored in the wp_wallets_txs table, and user deposit addresses are stored in the wp_wallets_adds table (assuming you have the default DB table prefix, wp_. You can use phpMyAdmin or mysqldump to export these into a separate backup. Mysqldump can be automated via unix cron to help you keep daily backups.

with regards