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Negative Site Transient for Max Height

dashed-slug.net Forums TurtleCoin Adapter extension support Negative Site Transient for Max Height

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  • #9141

    So I am getting ready to launch this now with a new wallet, so I performed the following steps

    1. stopped the wallets-api daemon
    2. deleted the old n2aa.org.wallet file
    3. deleted all records related to ARMS in the wallets_txs and wallets_add tables
    4. ran wp cache flush
    5. deleted the site transients related to _site_transient_trtl-ARMS-settings-max-height
    6. restarted thewallets-api daemon

    no matter what I do, _site_transient_trtl-ARMS-settings-max-height keeps getting inserted into the database with a value of -1000. I can change the value, it will get changed back to -1000, I can delete the record, it’ll come back as -1000

    And my blockchain scan stays at 1000 as seen in the attached image.

    not sure what is causing this.

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    Purely my fault… I was running the ./2ACoind without binding to the outside ip address and port.

    This is resolved.

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