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Reply To: Invalid Created Times showing up in the transactions

dashed-slug.net Forums TurtleCoin Adapter extension support Invalid Created Times showing up in the transactions Reply To: Invalid Created Times showing up in the transactions


OK thank you for finding this. This is entirely my fault.

An ISO8601 string contains a timezone offset suffix, and this can’t be inserted into datetime columns.

The reason that this bug was not apparent before is that most coin adapters already convert timestamps to strings elsewhere. With the TurtleCoin adapter this became an issue.

Instead of DATE_ISO8601 I should have used the string literal 'Y-m-d H:i:s'. I will fix this in the next patch release of wallets. In the meantime you can do the same change in your copy of wallets.

I’m still not sure why the current code works in some cases though.

Again apologies for all this trouble. I can’t believe I missed this.

with regards