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Reply To: Trying to accomplish the following with WCMP and Dashed Slugged Wallets.

dashed-slug.net Forums WooCommerce Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway extension support Trying to accomplish the following with WCMP and Dashed Slugged Wallets. Reply To: Trying to accomplish the following with WCMP and Dashed Slugged Wallets.



1. This is a very good idea. If you disable auto-payments in WCMp, then you can decide when commissions are being disbursed. You can do this after making sure that the client is satisfied. In fact this is highly recommended, because this payment gateway does not work correctly with auto-disbursals. If you have the setting on, you will get a warning in the admin screens about it.

2. Unfortunately I do not know much about how to do this. I simply developed a payment gateway. A gateway’s only role is to execute payments. All business logic should be in your multivendor plugin. So I highly recommend that you contact the developers of multivendor plugins for questions regarding how and when commissions are issued. A payment gateway does not know about disputes, grace periods, trust models, etc. This is all the job of the e-shop logic.

Sorry for not being of more help about 2.

with regards