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Reply To: Hot wallet remains empty when new deposits are made.

dashed-slug.net Forums Monero Wallet Adapter extension support Hot wallet remains empty when new deposits are made. Reply To: Hot wallet remains empty when new deposits are made.


This is the var_dump of the $this object inside of the adapter, when executing the above code, mind you I have cron turned off while I attempt to manually isolate the issue.

object(Dashed_Slug_Wallets_Coin_Adapter_Cryptonote_2ACoin)#2159 (4) { [“network_active”:”Dashed_Slug_Wallets_Coin_Adapter_Cryptonote”:private]=> bool(false) [“menu_slug”:protected]=> string(40) “wallets-menu-2acoin-cryptonote-full-node” [“option_slug”:protected]=> string(44) “wallets-2acoin-cryptonote-full-node-settings” [“_notices”:protected]=> object(Dashed_Slug_Wallets_Admin_Notices)#1033 (1) { [“admin_notices”:”Dashed_Slug_Wallets_Admin_Notices”:private]=> object(stdClass)#1032 (4) { [“error”]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#993 (2) { [“message”]=> string(149) “The wp_cron tasks have not run in the past 4 hours.You must either enable auto-triggering or trigger cron manually via curl/system-cron.” [“dismiss_option”]=> string(24) “wallets-cron-not-running” } } [“warning”]=> array(0) { } [“info”]=> array(0) { } [“success”]=> array(0) { } } } } check network

notice how the network_active property is false.Trying to understand the dynamic of this.