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Reply To: Hot wallet remains empty when new deposits are made.

dashed-slug.net Forums Monero Wallet Adapter extension support Hot wallet remains empty when new deposits are made. Reply To: Hot wallet remains empty when new deposits are made.


The problems seems to be with the get_balance method in the cryptonote adapter…

It seems to do a “network active” check which fails and then returns a balance of false.

public function get_balance() {
			static $balance = false;

			if ( false === $balance ) {
				var_dump($this); die('check network');
				if ( $this->network_active ) {
						$result = $this->do_rpc_command('getBalance');

					var_dump($result); die('got the balance');

						$balance += round( $result->availableBalance * 1e-8, 8 );
			return $balance;

If I don’t check that the network is active everything works.