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Reply To: deposit not showing until i do a manual api call

dashed-slug.net Forums Full Node Multi Coin Adapter extension support deposit not showing until i do a manual api call Reply To: deposit not showing until i do a manual api call


yes there have been a couple restarts since the conf set up originally. ill try without the -s wallet has been white listed and allowed through firewall. even tried by turning firewall off completely. couple thoughts i had that could be messing it up. but not sure. 1. Cloudflare… i do have cloudflare set up on my site. and 2. this is an older base code. i believe it is based on bitcoin v0.8.12 or something close to that. so i do have the api2 option checked. if it is running off api2 would i need to change it to api2 in the command or will the api3 still make the call for me.

and for clarification, you posted curl --verbose -k https://www.urcryptodepot.com/wallets/api3/notify/FCK/wallet/SOMETXID when you write “SOMETXID” does it matter which one i use? or will i have to manually set it for each transaction that comes in? i like to be lazy and really dont want to have to for each tx.

and sorry for so many questions. i swear i do trouble shoot and try to research before i bug ya. i know how tedious moderating and handling support can be especially when your the programmer.