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Reply To: deposit not showing until i do a manual api call

dashed-slug.net Forums Full Node Multi Coin Adapter extension support deposit not showing until i do a manual api call Reply To: deposit not showing until i do a manual api call



Yes, you should set the walletnotify argument in your full node wallet to call this notification URL. This way, every time the wallet sees a new transaction, or a new confirmation for an existing transaction, it will tell the plugin to check that transaction. This is in the instructions you see at first when you still haven’t set up the coin adapter correctly.

To use curl in your notification mechanism, you’d add something like the following in your wallet’s .conf file:

walletnotify=curl -sk https://www.urcryptodepot.com/wallets/api3/notify/FCK/wallet/%s >/dev/null
blocknotify=curl -sk https://www.urcryptodepot.com/wallets/api3/notify/FCK/block/%s >/dev/null
alertnotify= curl -sk https://www.urcryptodepot.com/wallets/api3/notify/FCK/alert/%s >/dev/null

Restart your wallet after adding the above settings.

Also, don’t forget to increase the number of confirmations again.

Finally, don’t forget to re-enable transients. Disabling that debug setting will impact performance by a lot.

with regards