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Reply To: Cron

dashed-slug.net Forums Airdrop extension support Cron Reply To: Cron


Hi Alex,

After the last release, I turned back to ardrp to see if the issue of Time setting was fixed. So, returning to the issue 1:

1. I scheduled a new airdp, starting at 10:55 AM to 11:10 AM, as you can see:


Even if in my backend was the start at 10:55 AM, it started 2 hours later, finishing at 13:11 PM, as you can see from transactions:


In frontend, it shows also UTC+2:


My wp is at UTC+2, my OS is at UTC+2 and my server is at UTC as I could verify. There is a mix of timezone settings.

It is not a big issue, but do you recommend me just to setup my server time at UTC+2? or maybe is some isue somewhere?

Thank you Alex

Best regards