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Reply To: where is user balance located?

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion where is user balance located? Reply To: where is user balance located?


we moved the whole site over to a dedicated server

then we deleted ONLY the wallet db NOT the user DB

after about a week of running it then on sunday it added every deposit ever made back into the database, with the original created date but now updated date of sunday

now we cant not get these coins off of the site, there is only like 3000 coins in the actually wallet but it is showing over 200K in y account alone. so of course we can not withdraw them

honestly no i didnt not do what you were talking about cause #1 i was a bit confused and #2 we cant chance these ppl getting deposits etc again because they can withdraw at the Crypto ATM, this could be disastrous

i just created a dummy account adn moved over the 200k and then deleted that account, hopefully they do not show back up again

in the future plugin couldn’t it update the user’s user meta or something?