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Hi Alex, I hope you are well 🙂
I am experiencing an issue with exchange rates which was working fine in the past but now not working correclty.
Expected result – cryptocoin price updated from coingecko – Usually shows in the exchange rates shortcode and coins price in wallets shortcodes.
Actual Result – cryptocoin price not updated from coingecko resulting in no price shown in any of the shortcodes.
It seems like coingecko have updated their api or changed something with the api results.
In file wallets/includes/rates.php on line 1108 $url = ‘https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/coins/markets?vs_currency=btc’;
Coingecko is only returning 1st 100 top coins, so if my coin is not in the top 100 at the time then current_price is not returned/found resulting in no rates to display the coins price in the frontend.
There is some info about the changes here: https://www.coingecko.com/api
I hope you can help or point me in the right direction to temp fix or permanent fix.
Best regards
Hello Megan,
Thank you for reporting this. I am already aware of the issue.
As you say, the CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko APIs have changed. I believe the idea is that they now give the top 100 coins for free, then you need to pay for the entire feed. This can be circumvented by querying the specific coins needed.
I will need to develop a solution for this. Hopefully this will be out in one of the next updates.
with regards
Hello Megan,
There is now a solution in version 4.0.0
of the plugin.
It is now possible to use a CoinMarketCap API key, if the new implementation of the CoinGecko scraper is not sufficient for your needs.
Please see the release notes for more information.
with regards
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