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Reply To: Form does not display

dashed-slug.net Forums Tip the Author extension support Form does not display Reply To: Form does not display


Hi Alex,

Today I came back to the issue I’m facing.  After testing many things, server included, I found something. In “tip . p hp” file, in line 13 I separated “i f: coins() . length” as follows: “data – bind = “submit: doTip;” data – bind=”i f: coins() . length;”” and now the form opens completely and shows everything but not the dropdown coin selector, both for posts and questions.

When chosing a suggestion tip it does not take into account the coin type, and the “Fee (deducted from amount” shows empty.

In console I get:

GET …/test-tip-i/? __wallets_apiversion=2&__wallets_action=get_coins_info 0 ()     jquery.js:4 

GET …/test-tip-i/? __wallets_apiversion=2&__wallets_action=get_transactions&__wallets_tx_count=10&__wallets_tx_from=0&__wallets_symbol=BTC 0 ()       jquery.js:4  

Additionnaly, in a second time, I added transfer and deposit widgets in menu, and I cant get it together. I get:

Uncaught Error: ‘Too much recursion’ after processing 5000 task groups.  knockout-latest.min.js:1
    at Object.a (knockout-latest.min.js:1)
    at Object.complete (wallets-ko-3.5.5.min.js:1)
    at i (jquery.js:2)
    at Object.fireWith (jquery.js:2)
    at y (jquery.js:4)
    at XMLHttpRequest.c (jquery.js:4)

Uncaught Error: ‘Too much recursion’ after processing 5000 task groups.  knockout-latest.min.js:1
    at a (knockout-latest.min.js:1)
    at MutationObserver.d (knockout-latest.min.js:1)

Thank you very much Alex for your help,

Best regards