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Reply To: Shortcode to take amount of user deposition



To answer your second question first, check your CoinPayments account’s IPN history. Your LTCT deposit should generate an IPN message with status 0 when it is first seen on the network and another IPN message with status 100 when the transaction is confirmed. It is this second IPN that causes the deposit to be recorded in the plugin. Please see the troubleshooting section of the CoinPayments adapter page for more details. If you continue to experience problems with this, please contact me with the details of your IPN message with status = 100. Any errors will be there.

I am not sure what you mean by “take an amount of user deposit”. Can you please describe more fully what you want to do? Do you want to keep a part of the deposit as fee charged by your site? Under what circumstances do you want this amount to be kept?

Looking forward to your reply

Thank you