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Bitcoin daemon error

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Bitcoin daemon error

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    Hi, I have install my bitcoind on my VPS (ubuntu lamp 13.04 x64) properly, but when I done the RPC setting and paste on bitcoin.conf, it shows “unable to bind to 0.0.0:833 on this computer, bitcoin is probably already running”, hot to fix this error?



    Since your question is about the bitcoin daemon and not the WordPress plugin, you might have more luck asking at channels related to the Bitcoin wallet, such as https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com or https://bitcointalk.org . Having said this, here’s a few things that come to mind:

    You will probably want to install bitcoind as a service, not just run it from the command line. Most installation guides tell you how to do this for your system. Perhaps the installation process that you performed has already done this? It could well be that bitcoin is running. Try a bitcoin-cli getbalance and see if you get a number as a response. You can also check to see if the daemon is running with ps ax | grep bitcoind. To see if that port is open do netstat -a | grep 8332.

    Let me know what you find.



    I have found a way to fix my error, my previous VPS is from vpsserver can’t accept to run fullnode because they are not allowed to abuse the CPU. Bitcoin Mining uses allot of CPU performance and they not allowed.

    I already using another VPS provider from bithost, all the installation is doing correctly & I was able to run bitcoind and other bitcoin-cli command, but after edit the bitcoin.conf file and append the following I found the error box still showing in my plugin page. I have following the instruction by replace the IP address from my server & change the rpc/rpcpassword


    While it is true that VPSs don’t allow you to constantly use 100% CPU, this should not be a problem, as you’re not supposed to CPU-mine anything. Not only is CPU mining bitcoins terribly inefficient as of 2017, but it has nothing to do with maintaining a wallet. It is true that while synchronizing the blockchain the wallet uses the CPU a bit more as it is confirming blocks, but after it synchronizes, CPU usage should be minimal.

    If the box is still showing then that means that for whatever reason the wallet is still not connecting. Have a look at the adapters page, and specifically at the status column for your bitcoin adapter. There should be more information about why the plugin is not connecting.


    Also, keep in mind that after editing the .conf file you should restart your daemon for the changes to take effect.


    I have my node running and I have updated my bitcoin.conf file accordindly and i still get:

    Not Responding: Dashed_Slug_Wallets_Coin_Adapter_RPC->get_balance() failed with status=”0″ and error=”Failed to connect to xx.xx.xx.xx port 8332: Connection refused”

    My wordpress hosting & node is in different server


    mumiea, what have you tried? Did you check your firewall on the VPS site?

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