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Deutsche eMark adapter and general dashed-slug news

Deutsche eMark adapter and general dashed-slug news

Deutsche eMark RPC adapter is now available to all dashed-slug subscribers. Plus, general news about the dashed-slug.

Some of you may have noticed that in the last few days I’ve been focusing on improving the Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets WordPress plugin. Version 2.3.0 introduced a bunch of new features, and a bunch of new bugs that were fixed in patch releases 2.3.x.

Today an RPC adapter is released for the Deutsche eMark. You can read more about the eMark (DEM) coin here.

All who have requested coin adapters please hang on a little longer, all requests are in the backlog. Releasing a coin adapter involves more than just replacing strings, I like to first test with a running wallet, purchase coins and test the adapter and its update process under live conditions. That takes time and it is only possible when there are no more pressing requests.

Remember, that you can also release your own coin adapters elsewhere if you so wish. The API will remain stable until further notice.

The next big project will be the faucet plugin as promised. Several users have requested it and it will be next.

Thanks to all who have reported bugs or suggested features. Your continued feedback is adding quality to the entire project. There is no way to ever implement everything that you have been requesting, but whenever I find the time to improve the code, I can choose from a wide range of requests 🙂




  1. Greetings. If not already mentioned (or already known) – i suggest that the faucet is using it’s own wallet account to prevent that the faucet will give away coins from others. 😉

    1. The faucet will give coins deposited into a designated admin account that will be the faucet owner. That account will be configurable in the faucet settings. The faucet will not give coins belonging to other users.

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