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Moved: Unable to pay via PayPal

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Moved: Unable to pay via PayPal

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  • #10962

    hi – i cant seem to activate the premium subscription even though i have more then enough funds? i get an error on paypal saying i cannot subscruibe? please help as i need the exchange and woocommerce plugins?



    Thank you for your interest in the plugin and its extensions.

    I don’t know why your card is not accepted.

    If your card is not accepted for whatever reason, you could also pay via cryptocurrencies. If you wish to do so, please do the following:

    1. Select the membership plan that you want from https://www.dashed-slug.net/dashed-slug/membership-plans/

    2. Send the equivalent of the USD amount to one of the following addresses:

    Bitcoin Address: 1DaShEDyeAwEc4snWq14hz5EBQXeHrVBxy
    DOGE Address: DASHEDj9RrTzQoJvP3WC48cFzUerKcYxHc
    LTC Address: LdaShEdER2UuhMPvv33ttDPu89mVgu4Arf
    USDT on BEP2 address: bnb136ns6lfw4zs5hg4n85vdthaad7hq5m4gtkgf23 memo: 105403902

    3. Email me again with your selection of membership plan, the TXID and the email you used to sign up.

    I will then activate your membership manually.

    with regards,

    P.S. I have moved your post to a new thread, as it was not related to the other thread.

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