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Reply To: Modifying the fiat withdrawal form

dashed-slug.net Forums Fiat Coin Adapter extension support Modifying the fiat withdrawal form Reply To: Modifying the fiat withdrawal form



You are right, I am aware that currently it is not possible to edit the fields in the [wallets_fiat_withdraw] shortcode without modifying the plugin code.

I have provided support for the most common banking systems, but it’s not possible for me to add such features for every possible payment system.

Furthermore, I am not currently accepting any new feature requests before the wallets6 release.

Having said this; with wallets6, the UI markups are encapsulated together with their JS and CSS code, so that all the code will be easily overridable via the templating system. Furthermore, the fiat coin adapter is being deprecated as a separate adapter, and will be merged into the parent plugin as “Fiat Bank Wallet adapter”.

Once wallets6 is released, I can provide you with instructions on how to modify the template.

with regards

P.S. I have moved this thread into the Fiat coin adapter forum.